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Old 03 April 2006, 18:31   #1
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Chartplotter or Pocket PC Navigation?

This summer I would like to navigate from the Wirral to the Isle of Man.

I would like to use a chartplotter (I think). I have Tomtom for my car, which is great, is there something similar for the sea (ie. is this a chartplotter).

Which one covers NW england area (Irish sea) and is cheap or cheapish????

Also can i use my pocket PC and gps unit and just buy the software???

Thanks for any help, as you may guess, I have absolutely no experience in this area


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Old 03 April 2006, 18:46   #2
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Yes you can use the Pocket PC - just put it in a waterproof bag or use an otterbox or similar.


Software would be something like THIS


Main drawback with a pda is how good is the screen in direct sunlight?

Other option would be a dedicated hand held plotter like the Raymarine

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Old 03 April 2006, 18:52   #3
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Originally Posted by Mrdeli
I have Tomtom for my car, which is great, is there something similar for the sea (ie. is this a chartplotter).
Yes this is a chartplotter. They come in varying degrees of sophistication and cost. From handheld GPS systems with mapping built in, to large fixed displays etc.

Which one covers NW england area (Irish sea) and is cheap or cheapish???
cheap(ish) is quite relative. they should all be able to cover that sea area. it really depends what you need. perhaps major difference is if you want a handheld unit or one that is big enough to use whilst moving at 20 knots (and therefore probably a bit bigger fixed unit). Beware the costs of charts can be as much as the plotter -

Also can i use my pocket PC and gps unit and just buy the software???
Yes. I think MDT on this forum might have some experience of this set up. If you search tomtom you might find an old thread where I think Roycruise (if memory serves me right) advises against this. pocket PC obviously not waterproof. software might not be a lot cheaper than getting a dedicated system.

I am sure roy and mdt will both share their wisdom...
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Old 04 April 2006, 07:48   #4
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Mrdeli, If you have no experience, it might be worthwhile booking a course with one of the excellant schools available to help with the navigation, GPS's fail, batteries run down etc, so it is a good idea to have a plan B! They will also give you lots of advice on the sort of safety equipment you'll need. There are also lots of people in the North West that might be interested in doing trips like that, cruising in numbers offers a lot of security!
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
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