I have on-going issues with my chartplotter, frustration levels are getting high

, grateful for any ideas.
My chartplotter is a Lowrance 5200c with a LGC 3000 antenna. It alternatively flashes the message "Position Lost", and "Positon Acquired" in rapid sucession. I have replaced the drop cable to the display unit, and replaced the 'T' in the network, but still no good. Last time out it worked OK for the first 10 minutes or so and then started the same routine of "Position Lost"," Position Acquired" in rapid sucession, as if an intermittent contact was causing a break in the signal path. Now with the boat parked up, and failing to acquire any position at all (flashing display parameters), the unit shows signal from 5 satellites, which would seem to indicate the antenna is OK. However, the manual says that it will show in diagramatic form the relative satellite positions within a 'polar' style plot, on the satellite status page; mine is blank, as in pic. Does this mean the antenna is shot, or is the display unit not processing the signals?? At this point I am faced with a high cost/long wait for replacement/assessment-repair (??) of the antenna, or far too many beer vouchers for a replacement head unit. Anyone been here before?