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Old 10 April 2006, 10:33   #1
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Cold GPS Fault

Just powering up our fantastic new Lowrance Globalmap 3500C, error message keeps popping up saying "GPSModule not responding" any nifty trick I could try before I break down in tears? Its also been fitted alongside a Lowrance 107C both network cables are in place but not linked or powered up, so as to blank off the exposed plugs.
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Old 10 April 2006, 10:43   #2
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Simon, The 3500c Uses the 2000 network to communicate with the Module. the module is also powered from this net therefore you must power the 2000 network. This has caught out many people manual is not clear.

Hope this helps

Brian C
APS Marine Centre
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Old 10 April 2006, 10:53   #3
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LowranceNET can be a wee bit tricky if you have not used it before so here's a basic HOWTO!

- If you are just connecting the plotter and the GPS andtenna, use the supplied Y-cable with the terminator (must be 60 ohm) on the short part of the cable, the plug with both cables goes into the plotter and the long cable has the GPS module on it. *** The bus has to be powered, on the power cable from your unit there is the 12V connection (in-line fused or connected to your boats fuse box) for the plotter and two other connections to power the NMEA2000 bus. It's probably best to switch the connection to the bus as if not switched the GPS will be on, all the time - even when the plotter is switched off. *** ONLY EVER HAVE ONE POWER CONNECTION in an NMEA2000 bus ***

- If you are setting up an NMEA 2000 network (just did this at the weekend) you need to throw away the 60 ohm terminator and Y cable and use the Lowrance NMEA2000 T pieces with 120 ohm connectors at each end of the network. The network must be powered, this can be via the extra power connectors on the plotter or via another cable, but as mentioned above - just make sure there is only one connection to power for the whole bus.
- An example config (what I have) would be XTTTX - the X's are 120 ohm terminators and the T's are T pieces. Off the first T is my 332C Sonar/Plotter, connected via a 1' cable, the GPS is off the second and my EP-10 fuel flow sensor is off the third T. Both the 332C's power wires and the NMEA2000 bus power wires are connected to the battery (via the isolator switch) and are independently fused in-line.

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Old 10 April 2006, 22:47   #4
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i have exactly the same problem with my 3500. Chandler were i bought it updated software with no joy so now he has returned set to manufactuer/supplier to try and sort out problem. Ill let you know the outcome as soon as i can.
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Old 11 April 2006, 07:55   #5
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I had the same problem with my Lowrance LCX110C. It had been working fine, then failed during a "lumpy" trip. Silva in Livingston (The Lowrance distributor) told me that a faulty ohms connector is the most common reason for a "GPS Module not responding" alert. So, I replaced the ohms connector (it's just a blue plug that fits on the end of a cable) and all was well again.
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Old 11 April 2006, 12:05   #6
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I had exacly the same problem with my Globalmap 3300c.

You need to have all the plugs in the rear of the unit and have the power connected to the Main unit and the NMEA2000 BUS which is the lead that powers the GPS module.

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Old 11 April 2006, 13:45   #7
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I think we may not have power to the NMEA2000 bus, will check this tonight. Presumably there should be 12 volts at the GPS module/aerial end?
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Old 13 April 2006, 09:22   #8
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All OK now!

Bus powered up and initialised ok! Had a quick look at the NauticPath chart too, not bad, will post a detailed look after this weekend when I've learnt how to drive the thing. Our oppos in Hinkley Sub Aqua went for Navman 5600? so we can do a comparitive review - but clearly ours will be the best!

Have a good B-hol-wknd if you are in Swanage look out for our orange delta.
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Old 13 April 2006, 12:32   #9
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Originally Posted by fjarvis
LowranceNET can be a wee bit tricky if you have not used it before so here's a basic HOWTO!

- If you are just connecting the plotter and the GPS andtenna, use the supplied Y-cable with the terminator (must be 60 ohm) on the short part of the cable, the plug with both cables goes into the plotter and the long cable has the GPS module on it. *** The bus has to be powered, on the power cable from your unit there is the 12V connection (in-line fused or connected to your boats fuse box) for the plotter and two other connections to power the NMEA2000 bus. It's probably best to switch the connection to the bus as if not switched the GPS will be on, all the time - even when the plotter is switched off. *** ONLY EVER HAVE ONE POWER CONNECTION in an NMEA2000 bus ***

- If you are setting up an NMEA 2000 network (just did this at the weekend) you need to throw away the 60 ohm terminator and Y cable and use the Lowrance NMEA2000 T pieces with 120 ohm connectors at each end of the network. The network must be powered, this can be via the extra power connectors on the plotter or via another cable, but as mentioned above - just make sure there is only one connection to power for the whole bus.
- An example config (what I have) would be XTTTX - the X's are 120 ohm terminators and the T's are T pieces. Off the first T is my 332C Sonar/Plotter, connected via a 1' cable, the GPS is off the second and my EP-10 fuel flow sensor is off the third T. Both the 332C's power wires and the NMEA2000 bus power wires are connected to the battery (via the isolator switch) and are independently fused in-line.


Hi fraser,

where did you get hold of the lowrancenet t pieces as I having trouble getting them in the UK.


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Old 16 April 2006, 23:10   #10
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Hi Mark,
Direct from Lowrance in the US, LEI-Accessories. I might have a spare T if you need one?

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Old 18 April 2006, 09:56   #11
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Our Icom 421E isnt showing the position, "No Position" in screen appears. We thought we made the right NMEA connection has anyone else seen this from a Globalmap 3500C

Chartwise the NauticPath is impressive for the money. The tidal data is not as detailed as one might want. But the overall appearance and use is good. Time will tell as to how accurate it is and how one goes about correction.
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Old 18 April 2006, 16:23   #12
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I have the same combo as you - very pleased & no probs.

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Old 18 April 2006, 18:51   #13
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Hi Simon,
You need to switch on the NMEA 0183 output in the menus - mine was off by default!

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