A simple idea which is probably not new nor especially clever but thought I would share it anyway as it does a useful job
The battery in my RIB is a pig of a thing to get at and even worse to get out. Took me an hour and a half last time, you can't get both hands to the battery and try undoing 2 nyloc nutted bolts you can't see (arm in the way), with only one hand.....
Emptying the bilge (and often half the boat!) after rain takes its toll on the battery over time as does faffing around with electrical things on board tilting motor up and down etc, and I wasn't happy with just using crocodile clips from a charger on to the battery, potentially having sparks six inches from the fuel tank seemed like a dumb idea
Also having a battery charger sitting out in damp conditions at this time of year wasn't a good idea, and I sure as hell wasn't sitting it on top of the fuel tank

so some way needed to be found of charging it from the garage.
So I have made up something as per the photos. Basically a short permanent hard-wired connection to the battery and a closed female connector (this was a 240V 10 amp one which can only be connected one way round) which will be cable-tied securely out of the way when not in use. The male part of this connector is on 10 metres of 2.5mm2 twin core cable which runs in to the garage, and a similar connector on to the charger sitting on the bench. Another connector fitted to a short lead with a set of croc clips on the end lets me connect those to the charger for charging normal batteries in the garage.
Was a bit worried about voltage drop on a long bit of cable but no problems there I am getting over 14V at the battery even from my little old Davenset charger (probably older than I am!) so it should charge well enough. You can even sit the seat down on top if it is tipping down with rain, though I will be leaving it off when I can to allow ventilation.
Before anybody comments on it yes I know the rest of the wiring is a mess and that is on the list of things to do, blame the builder/previous owner (not sure which)!