Originally Posted by chewy
unless your really tight.

that will be me then...
splash proof vhf ~ £45
waterproof sinking vhf ~ £80
floating vhf ~ £125
I could get a spare non waterproof one and have the back up for the cost of a fully floating one.
Many people buying H/Held VHFs do it as a nice to have spare or even a grudging "I suppose i'd better just in case". They need it to work, and they need it to be reasonably priced.
I accept that floating is useful for people who are leaning over the sides, supporting dinghy racing, rescue work etc. Or even Yachties getting in out the tender etc - But actually if you drop it in those circumstances it doesn't need to be yellow. I still can't see when you are going to drop your VHF in the briny and not be able to find it, unless its yellow. Finding it in a locker/cupboard is probably more useful... ...but I suspect most of the people asking for a yellow one will have it about their person tied to them.
Although a rescue orange/yellow one would look "cool" for the 'bowie knife in the teeth brigade'.
If there was really a market demand people would be repainting them (or adding reflective tape to them) which I've never seen from a leisure boater.