22 February 2010, 21:42
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Daft question but...
Why don't they make waterproof handheld vhf radios yellow and not black?
I have a waterproof torch - yellow.
A knife that floats in the water - again yellow
Most other stuff that floats when dropped in the water is yellow/orange so that they can easily be seen, why not handheld radios?
Or am I missing somethink?
22 February 2010, 21:49
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Think've seen one yellow VHF, can't remember who by though.
You can get yellow floats but then it defeats the object of having a floating VHF!
22 February 2010, 21:58
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Think you may have answered the question there Chewy, most waterproof handhelds aren't designed to float as well are they? The ones that are designed to be dropped in the water are probably hi-viz.
22 February 2010, 22:01
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Originally Posted by martini
Think you may have answered the question there Chewy, most waterproof handhelds aren't designed to float as well are they? The ones that are designed to be dropped in the water are probably hi-viz.
Nope, my SH is waterproof, floats and black.
22 February 2010, 22:03
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Think the ICOM m 30 something floats as well.
22 February 2010, 22:09
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GMDSS VHFs are more likely to be more brightly coloured.
The McMurdo range are Orange but I believe others are Yellow.
22 February 2010, 22:13
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If it's vital and you drop it in the water and it floats and you're LOOKING for it, you'll find it, even if it is black. Coupla minutes and it's gone anyway.
As Nasher points out. I remember LoCat used to make one too. Way back when...
22 February 2010, 23:15
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ICOM MC31 I have floats and is black but is a POS - DO NOT buy one and contrary to others my experience with ICOM after sales is - they are also a POS. I will NEVER give them another penny of mine. Buy another brand who cares about after sales service.
23 February 2010, 09:30
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Originally Posted by walruz
ICOM MC31 I have floats and is black but is a POS - DO NOT buy one and contrary to others my experience with ICOM after sales is - they are also a POS. I will NEVER give them another penny of mine. Buy another brand who cares about after sales service.
Whats POS?
23 February 2010, 09:49
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looks like its going to be a can of yellow spray paint and some masking tape ,
23 February 2010, 09:55
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Originally Posted by chewy
Whats POS?
Pile of ....
23 February 2010, 15:05
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Pile of .... 
23 February 2010, 15:54
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some of the cobra ones have a large orange bit down the sides - not sure if this is why?
23 February 2010, 19:15
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Originally Posted by m chappelow
looks like its going to be a can of yellow spray paint and some masking tape ,
Or some reflective yellow tape?
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23 February 2010, 20:23
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Thanks for all the replys.
Maybe proof that if a handheld vhf manufacturer/agent made one that was yellow/orange and was water proof/floated there would be a good market to aim at.
It also has to perform and do what it says in all the advertising blurb.
Isn't there something in sales & marketing about listening to/targeting your intended market??
Seems obvious to me........
Maybe thanks why I'm not in sales & marketing.
Here's hoping....
23 February 2010, 20:25
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I'd have bought an orange/yellow one if it was available.
24 February 2010, 02:36
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......but if they made yellow ones that floated, nobody would need to buy a replacement when they can't find it after it went overboard!
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24 February 2010, 09:34
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I asked this question when I Worked at McMurdo of a sales guy that used to work at Raymarine.
He told me that not enough customers wanted the bright Yellow type option as it was considered too industrial.
Most Customers want a nice sleek stylish well designed piece of kit that they view in the same way as their mobile phone.
I can see his point for the Princess owners and some yachties etc, but do think enough of 'Us' would buy them.
On the other hand it does also provide a distinction between the GMDSS type gear and the more normal equipment.
24 February 2010, 10:08
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Emailed Standard Horizon with a link to this thread explaining what it was about.
You would have thought if one company made a decent hi-vis VHF then it would stand a chance of been adopted as an industry standard.
24 February 2010, 10:19
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I don't really see the need... ...given that most of us actually dont have floating handhelds in the first place if its dropped in the sea its lost. Those that do have floating handhelds are probably most likely to drop them in the water doing something innocuous and immediately be able to pick it up.
That said it should be a trivial job for SH / Icom to have the casing moulded in a different colour, if there was enough demand - but I think you need more than the ribnet audience to make it attractive. Otherwise SH would have introduced their chartplotter/VHF combo in europe!
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