31 August 2014, 10:39
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by MaleBuffy
I Wrote extra arduino code that counts Pulses and displays it in Serial monitor.
Hows things going?
Any update on this project?
I have been away on holiday and very busy, but i now have it fitted in my boat and registering on engine idle.
Any chance of sharing your code used to measure the pulses to calibrate the unit?
Or could you add a feature in the android app to display the pulse count for a known volume?
31 August 2014, 19:29
Country: Greece
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Originally Posted by Simon666
Hows things going?
Any update on this project?
I have been away on holiday and very busy, but i now have it fitted in my boat and registering on engine idle.
Any chance of sharing your code used to measure the pulses to calibrate the unit?
Or could you add a feature in the android app to display the pulse count for a known volume? 
I am in the middle of changing a lot of things on the project, especially the app. I am planing to add a trip feature that calculates consumption of a trip in liters with a mean consumption in l/nm.
However I am on vacation so any updates will have to wait. I will however try to upload the calibration sketch when I get back in a few days.
31 August 2014, 21:07
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Plotting fuel consumption against boat speed (or rpm) is also mildly interesting as it shows how much more efficient things are on the plane (not that that is a surprise)
"Can ye model it? For if ye can, ye understand it, and if ye canna, ye dinna!" - Lord kelvin
31 August 2014, 23:46
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by MaleBuffy
I am in the middle of changing a lot of things on the project, especially the app. I am planing to add a trip feature that calculates consumption of a trip in liters with a mean consumption in l/nm.
However I am on vacation so any updates will have to wait. I will however try to upload the calibration sketch when I get back in a few days.
Awesome thanks!
Can the app show remaining litres in the fuel tank if you input the starting volume?
For example. My tank is 95 litres. I always fill to the brim before every trip. So if i tell the app the tank contains 95 litres can it show a running total of remaining fuel?
Looking forward to giving it a try.
06 September 2014, 18:00
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Well I am back and posted the Calibration sketch on my blog. Thing is I don't know if its the working version  and I can't check it since my sensors are all in my boat!
Give it a try.
15 September 2014, 00:35
Country: UK - England
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the code didn't quite work for me.
After much head scratching and trying to remember my college IT lessons from years ago i realised there needs to be a serial procedure call of "serial.begin(9600);" in the setup part.
I also stripped out the 2nd sensor parts to make it easier for me to follow (and i don't need it)
The serial monitor prints a new line showing the flow count, i couldn't figure out how to keep it to one line so i added a loop delay for 650ms which looks a bit messy but does the calibration job for me.
Here is my novice attempt...
//************************************************** ****
// BT Fuel Manager Sensor Calibration Arduino
// sketch by MaleBuffy
// 21/6/2014
//************************************************** ****
// Pin D4 for +5V for the Sensor 1
// Pin D6 for GND for the Sensor 1
// Pin D2 for Sensor 1 cable
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> // import the Arduino serial library
volatile float PulseSensor=0; // Measuring the pulse from the sensor 1
int hall = 2; // Sensor 1 Pin should be connected to Pin 2 of the Arduino
void incementpulse () //This is the function that incements the pulse counter. PulseSensor 1
PulseSensor++; // Equals PulseSensor = PulseSensor + 1
// Begin of Code. Setting pins up.
void setup()
pinMode(hall, INPUT); // Init Pin 2 to receive data from the Sensor
digitalWrite(hall, HIGH); // Using Internal Pull up resistor to pin 2
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // Initializes digital pin 4 as an OUTPUT
digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // 5V to pin 4 (Flow Sensor)
pinMode(6, OUTPUT); // Initializes digital pin 6 as an OUTPUT
digitalWrite(6, LOW); // GND to pin 6 (Flow Sensor)
attachInterrupt(0, incementpulse, RISING); // attaching the interupt
sei(); // Enabling interrupts
Serial.begin(9600); // set up Serial library at 9600 bps
// Loop measuring pulses from Sensor
void loop ()
Serial.print("PulseSensor: ");
15 September 2014, 04:41
Country: Greece
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Make: Scanner
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Engine: Tohatsu M140A2
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 53
Originally Posted by Simon666
the code didn't quite work for me.
After much head scratching and trying to remember my college IT lessons from years ago i realised there needs to be a serial procedure call of "serial.begin(9600);" in the setup part.
I also stripped out the 2nd sensor parts to make it easier for me to follow (and i don't need it)
The serial monitor prints a new line showing the flow count, i couldn't figure out how to keep it to one line so i added a loop delay for 650ms which looks a bit messy but does the calibration job for me.
Here is my novice attempt...
//************************************************** ****
// BT Fuel Manager Sensor Calibration Arduino
// sketch by MaleBuffy
// 21/6/2014
//************************************************** ****
// Pin D4 for +5V for the Sensor 1
// Pin D6 for GND for the Sensor 1
// Pin D2 for Sensor 1 cable
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> // import the Arduino serial library
volatile float PulseSensor=0; // Measuring the pulse from the sensor 1
int hall = 2; // Sensor 1 Pin should be connected to Pin 2 of the Arduino
void incementpulse () //This is the function that incements the pulse counter. PulseSensor 1
PulseSensor++; // Equals PulseSensor = PulseSensor + 1
// Begin of Code. Setting pins up.
void setup()
pinMode(hall, INPUT); // Init Pin 2 to receive data from the Sensor
digitalWrite(hall, HIGH); // Using Internal Pull up resistor to pin 2
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // Initializes digital pin 4 as an OUTPUT
digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // 5V to pin 4 (Flow Sensor)
pinMode(6, OUTPUT); // Initializes digital pin 6 as an OUTPUT
digitalWrite(6, LOW); // GND to pin 6 (Flow Sensor)
attachInterrupt(0, incementpulse, RISING); // attaching the interupt
sei(); // Enabling interrupts
Serial.begin(9600); // set up Serial library at 9600 bps
// Loop measuring pulses from Sensor
void loop ()
Serial.print("PulseSensor: ");
Hey nice job. I had a feeling this wasn't the correct sketch because it wasn't on the correct folder on my PC. Was close though. Will update the blog with the correct one. It's probably on my Laptop.
So how did the calibration work for you. What was the output?
15 September 2014, 21:39
Country: UK - England
Town: Burwash, East Sussex
Make: Ribcraft 6.4 Pro
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Posts: 245
Originally Posted by MaleBuffy
So how did the calibration work for you. What was the output?
Well a bit strange really.
I did 4 tests.
1: 1822 in 8min 17sec
2: 1820 in 8min 34sec
3: 1715 in 7min 36sec
4: 1739 in 6min 39sec
Test 1&2 were as expected but 3&4 were weird. Nothing changed. The water was the same temp and the funnel the same height. I'm wondering if there are bubbles on the impeller and i should calibrate it with petrol.
I tested my other sensor with the digital display attached. Although this does not display pules, it showed 1ltr after it had only passed 800ml of water!
I'm beginning to think water is not the right stuff to calibrate these sensors with.
I'm going to try at the weekend with petrol (after i've been to the Southampton Boatshow!  )
16 September 2014, 04:47
Country: Greece
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Posts: 53
Although using Petrol is a more accurate way of calibrating, I thing the datasheet values are also calibrated using water.
Your values are quite accurate considering that the manufacturer gives a +/- percentage in accuracy. Yours measured at about +/- 5% which is acceptable. Can't remember what the manufacturer gives though.
Good job, well done!
27 September 2014, 17:02
Country: UK - England
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I got my boat half way through being rewired at the moment, but I installed the fuel monitor and ran the engine on the muffs in my driveway.
Im not sure if I have a faulty sensor but it wont read at anything less than 1700 rpm (no load) above this it will read ok.
Does yours read at tickover?
Have you tried any better sensors?
27 September 2014, 17:43
Country: Greece
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which version do you have installed? The one that sends a three decimal floating point number or the one with four?
It might be the accuracy, although I haven't run into this situation.
I have the Microstream sensor, which works a bit better than the Futurelec one and I will try the new Bio-tech with the larger nozzle diameter.
27 September 2014, 22:49
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by MaleBuffy
which version do you have installed? The one that sends a three decimal floating point number or the one with four?
It might be the accuracy, although I haven't run into this situation.
I have the Microstream sensor, which works a bit better than the Futurelec one and I will try the new Bio-tech with the larger nozzle diameter.
I flashed the calibration script back to the unit to watch it counting. You can see the counts stop below about 1700 rpm.
This sensor is a turbine type flowmeter. Have you ever seen a positive displacement type flow meter for gasoline? I have used them for water meters in the past.
I guess the lager nozzle size would make it less accurate at low flow rates?
Have you got some web links to the other sensors?
28 September 2014, 02:03
Country: Greece
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Posts: 53
All sensors have a minimum - maximum flow range.
I think it's not related to RPMs but fuel flow.
1700 RPM with the boat not on the water does not consume significant amount of fuel to make the turbine in the sensor turn.
The Microstream one is more sensitive. The good thing is that you can use any sensor with the application.
Look at the conrad.com site. There are numerous flow meters.
Will search for positive displacement flow meters for fuel.
28 September 2014, 21:56
Country: UK - England
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I think the Micro-stream ones are positive displacement ones. But i cant see one which is suitable for gasoline on their website.
Bio-Tech do turbine and positive displacement models. Some go down to very low flow rates.
What model is your one? Where do you buy these from?
06 October 2014, 19:34
Country: Greece
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Posts: 53
Originally Posted by Simon666
I think the Micro-stream ones are positive displacement ones. But i cant see one which is suitable for gasoline on their website.
Bio-Tech do turbine and positive displacement models. Some go down to very low flow rates.
What model is your one? Where do you buy these from?
Contacted the Manufacturer of the Microstream sensor. They confirmed that the sensor is used in Gasoline applications as well.
It has a +-2% accuracy and about 2174 pulses per Liter, so better "resolution" than the others.
28 November 2014, 04:48
Country: Greece
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Attention! The Microstream sensor on the above link is fake! It's not from Aichi Dokei! It's a cheap copy. They give only 180 p/L. I confirmed this with the company. They say it's fake.
However I found a link to some used originals at about 19$ + Shipping
They work perfectly! Give 2174 pulses per Liter ! Awesome. That's the recommended sensor for this project.
06 January 2015, 01:39
Country: UK - England
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Hi again.
Did you get this microstream sensor from ebay?
Any better?
06 January 2015, 05:29
Country: Greece
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Posts: 53
Originally Posted by Simon666
Hi again.
Did you get this microstream sensor from ebay?
Any better?
Yes I got it from eBay. Just search for of05zat. It costs 29$ now. It did cost 19$ when I bought them. They are used but it perfect condition.
In fact they are so good I bought another six.
They cosy 360$ new so it's a bargain!
13 January 2015, 18:11
Country: UK - England
Town: Burwash, East Sussex
Make: Ribcraft 6.4 Pro
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 245
How does it perform? Do you get a flow reading at engine idle? Does it restrict the flow at higher rpm?
What are the liquid connections? The manufacturers say its a female thread but they have some sort of nipple sticking out in the photos.
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