Julian, consider this.
It goes without saying that we had the best euipment money could buy for our Around the World, but when it came to the crunch an EPIRB would have been a waste of time as it only indicates a problem of indiscriminate type. The Coast guard could have launched a full air search and dropped as many life rafts as they wanted but it would have been a waste of time. We NEEDED to speak to a Doctor in order to save Steves life.
Two questions have to be asked before we go any further.
1/ You are in the safest boat in the world so why should you be in any danger?
When Charles had his problems in the English Channel this year he would have been better off being able to speak to a person who could give him the assistance (and assurance) he require.
2/ The cost of a decent EPIRB is about the same as Sat Com. You have the call cost's but at least you can contact home/friends when you do get delayed offshore and people back home start to worry and they do not contact the rescue services.What would be best for you and your families?
This is always going to be a "hot topic" but for me the cheap EPRIB and a telephone would be my prefered suggestion.
You cannot put a price on your own safety and this is one item that in a perfect world you will never need to bring out of your locker

Alan P