elctrical properties of resin (as a waterproofer)
I'm tidying up the wiring on the boat and want to run a common earth cable from the transom to the consolse. This means I need to join 4 earth cables (port/s'board/white lights & bilge pump) to one somewhere around the bottom of the a frame.
As this is quite an exposed spot I thought that even the waterproof boxes might not be ideal so I've been wondering about using a cheaper box, making the connections and then pouring in a small amount of resin. When it sets, the connections should be well protected. doesn't matter if the resin conducts (does it??) because it's a common earth anyway.
Maybe it's an over-engineered solution, but I do usually like to 'fit and forget' where possible, being confident of not running into future problems. I'd leave a little extra length in the cables for future connections 'just in case'.
Any thoughts or comments? Would this work?