Originally Posted by Sailingsid
Engine stopped dead and all electrical items, VHF, bildge pump and Nav lights didn't work!! All electrical items are individually fused. After 5min anchored up and checking connections and wirering the engine started again and all electrical items began to work.
OK. Question for the Suz bods - does this flavour of engine "self sustain" once running? (most older 60 HP machines generate enough of theior own juice to keep the engione running, een if the battery is disconnected).
If No (i.e it needs a helathy battery) I'd be checking the battery connections, the main isolator (they are generally terrible for reliability - I have a jump lead in the toolbox to bypass mine in emergencies) and the battery cable(s). Chances are all the kit will die at a similar low voltage (usually 8-9ish V for total shutdown) so a dodgy connection could cause what you describe.
More likely tho' is a short. Have any of your fuses been blown? If yes, then that is your likely circuit wth the fault. If not, chances are it's somewhere upstream (battery side) of your fuses.
Alternative 3 - what state is your battery in?