Good day from the other side of the big pond, do you Brits use EPIRBS as a safety device or find the need? A friend lost his conventional boat (27 ft ) and all his equipement, (50% since recovered) He was also at sea for 35 hours adrift, all he had to keep his buttox afloat and alive was his dry suit, BCD, mask,flippers and the ability to talk to god. He was nearly run over by the freighter that accidently picked him up. The incident had happened at nite whilst asleep, his partner was picked up 8 hours after their vessel sunk. An EPRIB unit would have had them hooked and brought to safety, they were in the gulfstream, current there runs northeast and at times runs 3-4 knots, point being you don't stay in one spot to long. When you are off 30-40 nautical miles offshore, no land in sight . Now, is it worth it the expense, sure...for a conventional boat, how about a RIB ?
Epirbs here in the states are very expensive, I don't have one and am in argument with my boss, (my wife) about gettig one and its purpose, especially having an RIB. I am not saying that a RIB in invulnerable, however I don't believe it would sink as a conventional boat...........Comments ????