I'm not having a lot of luck with the Bilge Pump float switches at the moment. I fitted a Rule switch last year and it suffered from oil contamination from the steering ram. This resulted in the plastic becoming soft and eventually breaking.

The construction was in my opnion a bit flimsey.
So I spotted Fladen float switch on Ebay which looked a bit more substantial or so I thought. Well all has been well and it has been working fine on the drive clearing the rain water, apart from the other night when I heard the pump going at 4am in the morning. the pump is an 1100 GPH Rule so it will clear the water in the sump in about 10 seconds max. So I had to get out of bed and try and work out what was causing the problem. I got out there and the sump was dry pump running. I lifted and lower the float several time before it stopped. today I went back to check it and the sump was half full so I lifted the float to check the operation. It was then
it exploded in my hand!!! 
It looks like petrol has seeped into the float void and when I lifted it the micro switch sparked and ignited the fuel.
So what shall I waste my money on now??
Has anyone else had problems with float switches?
Can any of you recommend a decent make that is tough and chemical resistant?