Hi Woot
If you are going to mount a waterproof radio on the outside of the console, there are a few things to think off:
- are you going to hit it with knees etc d/t wave action/opperator error ;-)
- security if it looks easy to remove some low life will recycle it for you
- If you are not going to mount it in a waterproof case ( I would) then angle it so the water runs off it and doesn't collect on the instrument front - water has a habbit of creaping past seals ( of the rubber type) over time and pressure changes.
- some sailing clubs mount the radio inside the consol with the mke and speaker lead out, this offten means it gets left on an flattens the battery or you spend you lift undoing the hatch to change the fequency.
- waterproof any connections you have exposed, if perment there was a recent thread on permant wiring recomending that you use the proper crimps and glue filled heat shrink to seal it. If semi permanted then wrap it in self amalgomating tape and then a layer of insulation tape to protect it from nicks and uv.
There are many ways to seal the connections, some garrenteed for 20yrs on an oil rig but thats a big extreame and gets messy!
Hope this helps