27 January 2015, 17:17
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 294
Fitting new Nav lights
Guys, I need a bit of advice. Just about to fit some new led port & starboard nav lights. There are 4 holes in the back mounting plate. 2 horizontal & 2 diagonal. I am using the diagonal ones to secure to the A frame. Do you leave the others to the atmosphere or block them up to prevent misting up? Cheers-John
27 January 2015, 17:22
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 294
I meant to say 'if I block the holes, will they mist up?' Dur
27 January 2015, 17:30
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I would say block them up in a dry warm room if they do mist the heat from the bulb will clear it when in use
27 January 2015, 18:02
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Are those ones with an LED bulb in a normal holder or an LED panel on a printed circuit board? If its the latter, just watch out if you put the screw head behind the panel as you can cause a short as I did with mine. In the end I bolted though the pcb when securing the units to the A-frame.
Phil M
27 January 2015, 18:24
Country: UK - England
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No, its fine. I am securing the bolts through the panel avoiding any wiring. Thanks for the warning.
30 January 2015, 15:14
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Originally Posted by jeffstevens763@g
I would say block them up in a dry warm room if they do mist the heat from the bulb will clear it when in use
LED's? Heat? Wouldn't count on that process being very fast.
Getting moisture inside a nav light is not as bad as on electronic devices with a screen you have to read. The light gets spread out anyway, so no real effect there. It may eventually cause some corrosion issues, but in sea air, you're going to get that either way. If the moisture causes electrical problems due to shorting, they weren't sealed up well enough to last anyway.
That said, I'd plug the holes; a dab of silicone sealant should do the trick.
04 February 2015, 16:00
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 294
Thanks for that info. Fitted them today with holes plugged with silicon. I must admit they do look good & a lot brighter than the old ones. Who's up for a night dive then?
04 February 2015, 16:24
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Johnscubanut
Thanks for that info. Fitted them today with holes plugged with silicon. I must admit they do look good & a lot brighter than the old ones. Who's up for a night dive then?
By that takes me back to the 80s night diving
04 February 2015, 16:36
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*Raises hand* I want to go night diving
The cool creatures come out at night, the smart hunters even  I guess that also includes the sea lions dive bombing your light.
05 February 2015, 08:58
Country: UK - England
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I've dived at night in uk & also abroad many times. But the best experience must be a night dive in the Maldives. Dropping onto a reef, only seeing as far as your torch (flashlight for you guys over the pond) will allow. Moray eels completely out of their shelters chasing & snapping at fish. Reef sharks flashing past in serious 'Hunting mode'
They just ignored us divers tho! Just don't aim your torch at your buddy, he won't be able to see anything for 5 mins or so!!! Ha ha
05 February 2015, 11:52
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Night diving last year (Aug 2014) in Spain, Costa Brava, local site dropped off boat onto a smallish rock, lovely dive, we had squid coming onto our hands, it appeared they were intoxicated by our torch light, magnificent when creatures decide to check you out...
Happy days,,,or should that be nights
05 February 2015, 12:48
Country: UK - England
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Dived out of Le franc, nr Palafrugel, Costa Brave a few years ago, This was a day dive, but........... dropped down & swum along through some caverns & rocks eventually ascending up through an area with high rocks either side of me. It was getting tighter on the way up & as I turned around to squeeze through I saw I was face to face with a massive octopus! Visions of the film 'Alien' flashed through my mind! But the fantastic creature didn't seem bothered by me & stayed the same colour. I know if annoyed they goes orangy-red! I just put a touch more air into my BC & ascended. The crew on the boat would have had that animal for dinner! Damn, this is turning into a Dive forum, sorry.
05 February 2015, 16:23
Country: USA
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Originally Posted by Johnscubanut
Damn, this is turning into a Dive forum, sorry.
'cept diving is why many of us own our boats
Easiest night dive ever...Roatan Honduras. There is a gazebo over the water where they leave full tanks if requested in the evening. You fall into the 86* degree water with no wetsuit on, and swim around until low on air while tooling round a sunken ship and airplane. Ahhh the good life!
06 February 2015, 03:49
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Originally Posted by Johnscubanut
Damn, this is turning into a Dive forum, sorry.
Amen!!! That's why I got mine
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