09 May 2007, 10:22
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garmin 178c
can anyone tell me where i can purchase a cable to connect my garmin to my computer and do i need anything else to be ablt to plot a course i have bluechart
09 May 2007, 10:47
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Try the Garmin online shop in the accessories for 178C section
You can also google for the part number and get a load more hits
09 May 2007, 11:22
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You can also build it or buy a cheaper compatible cable
09 May 2007, 12:50
Country: UK - Scotland
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thanks andrew i thought that was an american site only didnt read it properly
09 May 2007, 13:23
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Originally Posted by tamsrib
thanks andrew i thought that was an american site only didnt read it properly
 No problems - we're all entitled to a "senior" moment every now and again
09 May 2007, 16:03
Country: UK - Scotland
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Boat name: withanee iii
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oh dear guess it was your senior moment  lol after trying the garmin site and eventually phoning them they tell me you need to find a supplier in europe they dont sell direct
oh well back to the search thanks anyway
09 May 2007, 16:08
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Originally Posted by tamsrib
oh dear guess it was your senior moment  lol after trying the garmin site and eventually phoning them they tell me you need to find a supplier in europe they dont sell direct
oh well back to the search thanks anyway 
Try Ebay?
Or search on here for Blue chart and you will find a thread with a few suppliers on
09 May 2007, 16:24
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Originally Posted by tamsrib
can anyone tell me where i can purchase a cable to connect my garmin to my computer and do i need anything else to be ablt to plot a course i have bluechart
If you have the Bluechart CD installed then you should be ready to go, do you need a USB or Serial plug on the computer's end?
I should have one in stock, once you let me know I will dig one out.
09 May 2007, 18:22
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Originally Posted by tamsrib
oh dear guess it was your senior moment  lol after trying the garmin site and eventually phoning them they tell me you need to find a supplier in europe they dont sell direct
oh well back to the search thanks anyway 
 damn automatic redirects. I could have sworn I went in via the UK site! Oh well off to order another portion of humble pie!
09 May 2007, 19:14
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Originally Posted by tamsrib
..and do i need anything else to be ablt to plot a course i have bluechart
If you're planing to use Mapsource on a computer as a plotter, I think you'll find that this can only be done properly with a Garmin GPS for which you have an unlock code installed into Mapsource. Mapsource will accept the NMEA input from another GPS but it won't allow you to plot your course. I think I've remembered it correctly.
09 May 2007, 21:50
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try http://www.gpsw.co.uk for the cable, I had a copy of garmin map source to send route's etc to my garmin 176c.
I also have a copy of waypoint manager that is surplus to req,
10 May 2007, 17:26
Country: UK - Scotland
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thanks jw its a bluechart card that inserts directly into the unit will i be able to use that do you think
10 May 2007, 18:55
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Tamsrib, I'm not sure what you mean. The bluechart card will insert into the 178c and you will be able to read the maps on the 178c.
10 May 2007, 20:20
Country: UK - Scotland
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sorry jw i am confusing myself here
i have a garminv which iused on previous rib with that i could set routes save waypoints etc on puter
i am trying to do same thing with 178c but dont know all what i need to do it at least software wise i have established i need a dual connection ie power and data cable
thanks for everyones help
10 May 2007, 22:10
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OK, here's what you have to do. I hope you're handy with a soldering iron. I'm presuming your computer has an RS232 serial port. If not, you've two choices; either buy a PCI RS232 card or buy a RS232 to USB adapter. Some adapters appear to work better than others.
You need:
1 off 9 pin D socket (female)
1 off 9 pin D socket cover
1 off Garmin cable (the same as the one you already have for powering the 178C)
Soldering iron
Small screwdriver
This connector uses Garmin Port 1 (blue & brown cables). You'll need to ensure you set the 178C to output NMEA on that port.
Alternatively, you can use Port 2. The information is in your 178C user handbook, page 96.
If you're using a Garmin cable, simply solder the Blue, Brown and Black cable following the drawing below. You will also need to connect a 12v battery. The battery negative is also the Ground (black) connection on the 9 pin D socket.
If you choose to use your own cable, you'll need to pick up the correct pin connections on the back of your 178C. The pinouts for this are given in your handbook.
When this is connected to your computer, your 178C is powered up and MapSource is running, you should be able to send and receive waypoints, routes, etc.
Good luck.
10 May 2007, 23:18
Country: UK - Scotland
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Tamsrib, perhaps I should have mentioned; there is another way of doing this. You need a blank Garmin data card and a Garmin card reader/writer. You can download your waypoints and routes from MapSource into the data card. When you put the card into the 178C, it should automatically find them and upload them. You can also transfer your data between Garmin gps units if you happen to have it in a previous unit.
11 May 2007, 08:08
Country: UK - Scotland
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thanks j walker ill try to buy simply because im not experienced in electronics but if that fails ill try it myself thanks for all your help and time
11 May 2007, 10:42
Country: UK - Scotland
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OK, but you may have difficulty sourcing a lead since the 178C is a fixed unit and wouldn't normally be connected to a computer.
What you could do is make a small adapter by soldering 3 wires to a 9 pin D as shown in the picture, connect the other ends of the wires into a screw terminal block and then you could connect anything you want to the terminal block and, hence, to the computer. It's worth noting that you will not do any damage by confusing the wires, it simply wont work.
I'm sure you'd find someone who could solder 3 wires for you. Alternatively, you could buy an RS232 lead and cut through it to pick up the wires and connect the 3 you need to the terminal block.
This bit might be of general interest...These RS232 connections work for all GPS' and it's a good way of looking at the NMEA output, either out of interest or to ensure your GPS is sending out the correct sentences for a device you might want to receive them. This will also work for an Navtex engine and the navtex messages can be read on the computer screen.
Connect a GPS in this way and run the Windows Data Terminal program (Start>Programs>Accessories>Communications>Data Terminal). The Data Terminal will display the output sentences from the GPS in real time.
Anyway, good luck with whichever option you choose.
11 May 2007, 20:25
Country: UK - Scotland
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Posts: 19
thanks jw
14 May 2007, 16:44
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I have tried every which way to find the right and proper Garmin solution to this, but it is not elegant:
Item 1) A Three pin adapter, Garmin have stopped doing a UK mains power supply.
Item 2) A USB/Garmin adapter £45
Item 3) An 18 pin AC/Data cable £14
It seems to me that the alternative, a USB Card Programmer and a small blank card would be better and about the same price. This will also stand in good stead for using CD based Bluecharts in future.
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