Originally posted by Garygee
industrial embedded PC
Ahah! (no, not Alan Partridge style!) - I have been biting my lip (keyboard?) all weekend thinking about vibration, shock, extreme temperature when actually you've got it all under control. Please post more on how the project goes! Will you be plagued by the Blue Screen Of Death? Will we see a ribster mid-channel shaking his fist and shouting "B****y Bill Gates, come here and fix this"

Or the RNLI called out for a reboot

But seriously, it will be interesting to see how you get on. Best of luck with it.
Charles, sorry to go off subject of your original thread... however, a tiny snippet of information for you - the Garmin plotter you're considering was reviewed in one of the sailing mags back in Feb. It wasn't a very "in-depth" review (more a case of them reading the blurb on the box) but they seemed to rate it. If you didn't see it, I can dig it out for you and run it over the copier.