20 October 2009, 14:51
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Garmin 550 Cutting Out
Has anyone experienced their Garmin 550 cutting out in rougher sea conditions? Mine works fine on calm water but once the boat starts banging about it switches off.
Cheers guys
20 October 2009, 15:01
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Check for corrosion on the connector pins of the power lead. I had this problem on an older Garmin unit. A replacement power lead from Garmin sorted it.
20 October 2009, 15:01
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Originally Posted by gibbo500
Has anyone experienced their Garmin 550 cutting out in rougher sea conditions? Mine works fine on calm water but once the boat starts banging about it switches off.
Cheers guys
Check the multipin plug and the fuse holder for any signs of corrosion. The multipins on Garmins are known to give trouble.
20 October 2009, 15:05
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Just 'cos Mollers and I agree on something, it don't make it rite.
20 October 2009, 15:12
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Originally Posted by Downhilldai
Just 'cos Mollers and I agree on something, it don't make it rite. 
''Garmin for me everytime''.
20 October 2009, 15:52
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Originally Posted by gibbo500
Has anyone experienced their Garmin 550 cutting out in rougher sea conditions? Mine works fine on calm water but once the boat starts banging about it switches off.
Cheers guys
I had to very gently bend the plug pins just a little to make a better contact as I had the same problem, I then smeared a little silicon around the outside of the plug to stop it from coming off when playing in the waves
20 October 2009, 18:00
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If it is this use vaseline or DC4 inside the connectors
If it isn't then it's likely to be a dodgy conection on the switch/bus failing that it could be that your main battery cables have corroded a bit or the connection isn't strong. The contact breaking switches the Garmin off, is it OK when you use the trim switch.
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20 October 2009, 19:10
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by bedajim
I had to very gently bend the plug just a little to make a better contact as I had the same problem, I then smeared a little silicon around the outside of the plug to stop it from coming out when playing in Wave's 
Wave's what?!
20 October 2009, 19:20
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Had the same problem after a play in the rough,turned out the battery terminal had worked a little loose.
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20 October 2009, 23:37
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A mate of mine is on his 4th Garmin 3006C plotter, 'cos the original unit and all its replacements were continually misting up. This latest one is now fine - it's been in the boat for a few months with no problems. Garmin have finally sorted out the screen seal on these, so I decided, as I have the same unit, that it would be a good idea to change it, as it's also suffered the same problem since new.  I had a chat with a nice man on the Garmin stand at SBS and he arranged for me to return the unit and Garmin agreed to send me a replacement unit with the modified screen seal. This arrived today and I've just finished fitting it to the boat. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to try it out on the weekend.
So, what's the point in all this rambling nonsense?
"Garmin for me everytime"
20 October 2009, 23:39
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by gibbo500
... once the boat starts banging about it switches off.
Must be switching off a lot on your boat then, gibbo?
21 October 2009, 20:58
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I had this problem too. Turned out that the plug wouldn't do up properly and kept working loose. Sikaflex was my friend that day
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