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Old 05 December 2004, 22:46   #21
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Originally Posted by eupa
This is how it works-

you BUY a Garmin GPS or you BUY Mapsource
You install Mapsource ( v. 6.5)
You send off your serial number and they give you a customer code
They give you free unlock codes for two areas that you specify- but it is
all tied to YOU and your serial number.
Just to prevent you misleading folk....that is not how it is done.

There are a few alternative ways of getting Blue Charts.

1) Buy a pre-programmed chart cartridge from Garmin or a dealer.

2) Buy a Mapsource CD and buy a coupon code for a given maps coverage. This code becomes your customer code. Contact Garmin or their web site and register your code and gps serial number and they will supply an unlock code. Unlock the maps area on your PC by entering the unlock code and then download the unlocked map set to your gps/plotter.

3) Some Garmin products come with an unlock code and mapping in the box, after which, the procedure is the same.

There is an allowed extension to both 2 and 3. Garmin will supply a second unlock code, to be used with an alternative gps/plotter, but the code will be for the same area of map coverage as the original.

There is a non-allowed, but possible misuse of this system whereby 2 plotters belonging to 2 different folk can be registered to one owner and they can therefore share the mapping. Not that I would encourage this, you understand.

Now, if you invest in this system, be patient, do not obtain your unlock code immediately. Go to Garmin's web site and look to see whether your mapsource product has been updated. If it has, you are allowed to download it and use your unlock code to unlock from this rather than your original maps. Once you have committed to an unlock at a particular revision level, you are stuck with it. Otherwise, to unlock an update you will need to buy another coupon code and start over.
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Old 06 December 2004, 00:53   #22
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For completeness, I should add that Garmin also supply a programmer with a USB connection and Garmin data cards can receive map sets directly from a PC using the programmer. Although any number of cards can be programmed using one unlock code, the map set within the card will only respond to the gps/plotter associated to the unlock code because Garmin used that gps/plotter's serial number when generating the unlock code.
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Old 06 December 2004, 03:22   #23
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I am, sorry jw- but when reading your previous post, i think you have really
mudded the water. My original post was based on the"honest" way of doing it.
and if somebody new to Bluechart reads all this - well .........

I would suggest that everbody just follow what Garmin has told us what to do
and forget to obtain FOC/ bypass the system/lend/beg/borrow ect.

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Old 06 December 2004, 03:53   #24
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Once you have committed to an unlock at a particular revision level, you are stuck with it. Otherwise, to unlock an update you will need to buy another coupon code and start over.

JW this is not correct. I am sitting with an updated CD titled"BlueChart -atlantic v6.5 Update" obtained dirctly from Garmin free of charge - stairing at me in the face as I recently updated my codes and areas.

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Old 06 December 2004, 09:28   #25
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That's the last time I listen to JW!
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Old 06 December 2004, 09:56   #26
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How about.......

.........Sticking the boat on a trailer, and i'll lend ya me aa truckers atlas of GB. It comes complete with bridge heights, weight limits and places to fill ya face .

I dont use it very often cos i've got me tom tom satnav!!!!!!!!!!

Blimey, talk about a nanny state, hope ya get ya boat moved!!!!!!

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Old 06 December 2004, 10:56   #27
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Originally Posted by eupa
Once you have committed to an unlock at a particular revision level, you are stuck with it. Otherwise, to unlock an update you will need to buy another coupon code and start over.

JW this is not correct. I am sitting with an updated CD titled"BlueChart -atlantic v6.5 Update" obtained dirctly from Garmin free of charge - stairing at me in the face as I recently updated my codes and areas.

Jonathan, you misunderstand me. Please re-read.

Follow this link to the Garmin website and read carefully.
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Old 06 December 2004, 23:15   #28
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Gamin Blue charts

Thank for the offer Stuart, but I purchased the paper charts today.
The boat is a 1915 60ft gaff cutter Spirit of Britannia should be
Back in the Solent New Years Eve so if any of you guy’s are out
there come along side for a brew.
Phil H.
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Old 07 December 2004, 01:00   #29
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Originally Posted by Nick Thompson

In the UK you can't even do that. The UK is almost unique in having 'The Mechanical Copyright' act, which means that you can't copy a CD to tape, or whatever, even if you own the CD.
I thought this had been chucked out of the courts as it went against some law (civil liberties, right to make a backup of your own stuff etc etc.).

The last I heard which admittedly was six months ago is that the "corporations" fell flat on their face by trying to enforce this against a big bank who made backup copies of all of their software, dvd's, music etc etc.

The bank from what I remember won a few it matters to them! And the music/dvd corporation got a bit eggy in the process. The matter was I believe left that making a backup copy for your own personal use was completely legal and the right of the consumer in the UK.

However......I notice recently that in the US they have sealed this area tighter than a nun's wotsit and is constantly being battled over by the consumer rights lot and normally Sony et al.

Now don't anyone get me wrong I'm all for buying the proper licenses whether it be a new DVD or a CD/Software.....especially if it's shareware and some poor sod like me has sat in a dark room for months programming his little heart out only to find that there have been 800,000 downloads and only 2 licenses issued!

But I'm sure that the big corps are aiming the law at the those few that can copy 2,000 DVD's and sell them at the local market, not joe who's made a copy for a mate or has kids that eat dvd's and just wants to make sure the £14 he's invested in the original dvd stays safe in a cupboard and the kids get to eat copies!!

Mi 2p's worth.......job done!
Which part of "throw me the mooring line" didn't you understand!?
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Old 07 December 2004, 22:50   #30
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Originally Posted by pettal
I thought this had been chucked out of the courts as it went against some law (civil liberties, right to make a backup of your own stuff etc etc.).

The last I heard which admittedly was six months ago is that the "corporations" fell flat on their face by trying to enforce this against a big bank who made backup copies of all of their software, dvd's, music etc etc.
I hadn't heard that & can't find any reference to it.

The 'The Mechanical Copyright' act stops you copying from one medium to another (e.g. CD to tape), not making backups.
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Old 07 December 2004, 23:20   #31
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Hi Nick,

Confirmed it today with a friend in compliance at the bank in question and apparently settled out of court and the corp involved (they won't tell me who) withdrew it's allegations and gave them a whopping "so terribly sorry old chum!"

Maybe because it wasn't a change in medium!? They were doing like for like copies (i.e. CD Software to CD, DVD to DVD etc etc).

Not like in the good old days of copying your mates LP onto cassette!!
Which part of "throw me the mooring line" didn't you understand!?
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Old 07 December 2004, 23:46   #32
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Originally Posted by pettal
settled out of court
That's probably the reason it wasn't publicised.

Not like in the good old days of copying your mates LP onto cassette!!
Which is why The Mechanical Copyright act was there, the act of copying the LP was illegal in itself, TPTB didn't have to prove money changing hands etc.
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Old 08 December 2004, 09:36   #33
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Jus a Historic note. The mechanical copyright goes back to the late 19th century and it was first introduced to allow composers to reap the rewards of their craft. At the time all the Hostelrys were busy sacking pianists and installing pianolas which were playing the normal 'Down by the old Bull and Bush' tpe songs and paying nothing to the composer. Hence the term Mechanical Copyright.

It is know and has been the major source of revenue for performers Generally a band makes as much from Airplay as it does from CD sales

It's got a lot to answer for cos it made the Spice Girls rich!
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 08 December 2004, 22:32   #34
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
Jus a Historic note. The mechanical copyright goes back to the late 19th century and it was first introduced to allow composers to reap the rewards of their craft. At the time all the Hostelrys were busy sacking pianists and installing pianolas which were playing the normal 'Down by the old Bull and Bush' tpe songs and paying nothing to the composer. Hence the term Mechanical Copyright.

It is know and has been the major source of revenue for performers Generally a band makes as much from Airplay as it does from CD sales

It's got a lot to answer for cos it made the Spice Girls rich!

Rogue you old must be a quiz God!?
Which part of "throw me the mooring line" didn't you understand!?
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Old 09 December 2004, 08:14   #35
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Now don't anyone get me wrong I'm all for buying the proper licenses whether it be a new DVD or a CD/Software.....especially if it's shareware and some poor sod like me has sat in a dark room for months programming his little heart out only to find that there have been 800,000 downloads and only 2 licenses issued!

Just goes to tell you what I was saying.You wont be in a hurry to redo any
programmimg will you?? -when you get nothing out of it.
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Old 09 December 2004, 09:36   #36
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Just goes to tell you what I was saying.You wont be in a hurry to redo any
programmimg will you?? -when you get nothing out of it.
Jonathan [/QUOTE]

Just reward isn't everything.

If I didn't program certain things for free, I wouldn't have met half the interesting people that I have and probably wouldn't have half the favours given in return.

I beleive I am a richer man for it! Something the big corps need to learn.

Point in house has just been completely renovated with an approximate cost of £350k, the work was done by people I had helped previously (plumber, spark, general builder, chippy and decorater) and the nearest quote from anyone else that I didn't know was £750k!

A little forsight, general common sense and decency are all that is required when applying yourself to anything and you never know how it will be repaid.
Which part of "throw me the mooring line" didn't you understand!?
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Old 09 December 2004, 11:02   #37
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Originally Posted by pettal
....A little forsight, general common sense and decency are all that is required when applying yourself to anything and you never know how it will be repaid..........
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Old 09 December 2004, 12:14   #38
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Point in house has just been completely renovated with an approximate cost of £350k, the work was done by people I had helped previously (plumber, spark, general builder, chippy and decorater) and the nearest quote from anyone else that I didn't know was £750k!

you mean 750.000 pounds ??? and you refurbished it spending 350.000 pounds??. No wonder you do things for free..... the 350.000 quid would buy you 5 chateaux in Belgium + all the retainers. Must be a hell of a life in the Channel Islands. I would prefer to give 350.000 quid to the poor -- at least I will get a place in heaven......

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Old 09 December 2004, 12:49   #39
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Originally Posted by eupa
-- at least I will get a place in heaven......
Nah, you won't...doesn't exist.
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Old 09 December 2004, 13:21   #40
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Nah, you won't...doesn't exist.

How do you know??? Hope you save yourself before you fall off your RIB

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