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Old 04 December 2004, 23:20   #1
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Garmin blue charts

Any one know where you can hire,beg steal or borrow blue charts.
I have one for the south coast but need temporally one for the east
coast, just to bring a boat back from Levington marina (Ipswich) to
East Cowes Christmas week.
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Old 05 December 2004, 11:14   #2
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thats a cheapy way if I may so so. Garmin went to enormeous lenghths so that you could not do this- and I fully support them. This is how it works-

you BUY a Garmin GPS or you BUY Mapsource
You install Mapsource ( v. 6.5)
You send off your serial number and they give you a customer code
They give you free unlock codes for two areas that you specify- but it is
all tied to YOU and your serial number. These areas are pretty large and for normal oprations easily cover requiements.
By accepting this you are signing up not to infringe their copyright . If you
start asking on a forum such as this "for other unlock codes FOC" you will be
leave yourself open to prosecution.

If you want a temporray chart - best buy admiralty charts. If you want that on the Garmin GPS- buy Fugawi maping software and export to the Garmin.

I detest infringment such as this , as it ultimately destroys the service offered , and quite frankly why should other people have to subsidise YOU?

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Old 05 December 2004, 12:14   #3
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I also agree that piracy is wrong - however how many people out there can TRUTHFULLY say they don't have a single piece of unlicenced software, music or video/dvd? Very few I would say!!!!
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Old 05 December 2004, 12:36   #4
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Originally Posted by eupa
I detest infringment such as this , as it ultimately destroys the service offered , and quite frankly why should other people have to subsidise YOU?
How about if someone lends Philip their Garmin GPS with the East Coast chart on for a week or so? That would do the job, with no copyright infringement

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Old 05 December 2004, 13:06   #5
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Surely all Philip needs to 'Borrow' is a Garmin chip with the East Coast data.

If you buy the chips seperatly, rather than the Mapsource CD there is no registering against serial numbers etc. You just plug in and go.

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Old 05 December 2004, 13:07   #6
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John - I would gladly lend him mine - but it needs the attenna and that is
attached to the boat. I am a bit surprised that you as webmaster seem to encourage this
Codprawn- read up about copyright please.You are not infringing copyright by downloading Mp3 , soft ect.. Its what you do with it that counts. Napster went wrong on this as they could not guarantee -that people who downloaded mp3's via their system- that this was not used commercilly.
In fact in the States , the RCA took some people to court because they considered that there was a flagrant abuse. I rememberber there was one young thing who had some 10.000 songs stored on cd's.-some of these had been used in a disco and bingo- you are guilty. I dont criticise Phil for trying but to do it on an open forum is asking for trouble.

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Old 05 December 2004, 13:11   #7
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Surely all Philip needs to 'Borrow' is a Garmin chip with the East Coast data.

Not correct. The chip is a memory bank the you fill up via Mapource from you

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Old 05 December 2004, 13:18   #8
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Originally Posted by eupa
John - I would gladly lend him mine - but it needs the attenna and that is
attached to the boat. I am a bit surprised that you as webmaster seem to encourage this
Codprawn- read up about copyright please.You are not infringing copyright by downloading Mp3 , soft ect.. Its what you do with it that counts. Napster went wrong on this as they could not guarantee -that people who downloaded mp3's via their system- that this was not used commercilly.
In fact in the States , the RCA took some people to court because they considered that there was a flagrant abuse. I rememberber there was one young thing who had some 10.000 songs stored on cd's.-some of these had been used in a disco and bingo- you are guilty. I dont criticise Phil for trying but to do it on an open forum is asking for trouble.


Excuse me but you ARE infringing every copyright law known to man by downloading MP3s and software without paying for it!!!! Not matter what you do with it - unless you have bought the original and are emailing it to yourself!!!!

Of course because it has become more widespread it has become more acceptable but it doesn't make it right - if there is one thing I can't stand it is a hypocrite - the sort of people who criticise others for breaking the law and then do so themsleves!!!!
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Old 05 December 2004, 13:52   #9
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Originally Posted by eupa
John - I would gladly lend him mine - but it needs the attenna and that is
attached to the boat. I am a bit surprised that you as webmaster seem to encourage this
I expect that he's already got the antenna as he already has a Garmin GPS!

Why should it be a surprise that I encourage people to help each other out by lending them things? By borrowing and using the complete GPS there would be no need to copy any charts, and therefore no copyright infringement.

If someone posted to ask whether they could borrow a spare lifejacket for a week would you expect them to be told to go and buy one because it's important to support Crewsaver?

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Old 05 December 2004, 13:54   #10
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Originally Posted by eupa
Surely all Philip needs to 'Borrow' is a Garmin chip with the East Coast data.

Not correct. The chip is a memory bank the you fill up via Mapource from you

Sorry but you are not correct.

If you buy the Garmin blue chart chip, it has the information allready on it. I know I have one . You can also buy blank cards and the map source cd and do them yourself if your not a lazy as me . So Philip does just need to borrow a chip for the few days he is collecting his boat.

I would lend him mine and not feel any copyright laws are broken as the info is not stored on the unit, so when he has finished and gives it back he no longer has the info. Unfortunately my card is also South coast.
Brixham BSAC
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Old 05 December 2004, 16:13   #11
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If someone posted to ask whether they could borrow a spare lifejacket for a week would you expect them to be told to go and buy one because it's important to support Crewsaver?

There is a big difference in borrowing a lifejacket and asking to have free
unlock codes that you HAVE to buy at about 120$.
Anywai if my mother in law ask for a life jacket, I would ensure that it would
not inflate.....and do a hard turn with her unstrapped in...

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Old 05 December 2004, 16:19   #12
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Of course because it has become more widespread it has become more acceptable but it doesn't make it right - if there is one thing I can't stand it is a hypocrite - the sort of people who criticise others for breaking the law and then do so themsleves!!!!

Missing the point as usual Codprawn. You don't even know if I actually download mp3's- if i do download software its freeware. if anybody's two faced it must be .....

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Old 05 December 2004, 16:30   #13
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Not matter what you do with it - unless you have bought the original and are emailing it to yourself!!!!
In the UK you can't even do that. The UK is almost unique in having 'The Mechanical Copyright' act, which means that you can't copy a CD to tape, or whatever, even if you own the CD.
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Old 05 December 2004, 16:47   #14
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Right then problem solved!

I have a mapsource pack cd , memory chip and chip loader that came with my gArfmin 162. It's unused and sealed I just haven't got around ro loading it You can borrow it load the software in my name (that's Stuart Hopkins not Rogue wave) and five it al back to me when you have finished along with the access codes.

You pay the postage and give a tenner to your local boat resue station!

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Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 05 December 2004, 18:10   #15
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Originally Posted by eupa
Of course because it has become more widespread it has become more acceptable but it doesn't make it right - if there is one thing I can't stand it is a hypocrite - the sort of people who criticise others for breaking the law and then do so themsleves!!!!

Missing the point as usual Codprawn. You don't even know if I actually download mp3's- if i do download software its freeware. if anybody's two faced it must be .....

No I have NOT missed the point - neither did I point the finger at YOU!!!! I did NOT accuse you of downloading MP3s and have nothing against it personally - as I said what I can't stand are people who condemn other people for things and then do just as much wrong themselves - there is a very good saying "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".
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Old 05 December 2004, 18:11   #16
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Originally Posted by Nick Thompson

In the UK you can't even do that. The UK is almost unique in having 'The Mechanical Copyright' act, which means that you can't copy a CD to tape, or whatever, even if you own the CD.
Tell me about it - really fair and just!!!
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Old 05 December 2004, 18:18   #17
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It's not illegal to lend someone a chip. It is illegal to COPY it. Otherwise you couldn't borrow or hire CDs, DVDs, X-Box games.........know then, wheres my Blockbuster card......

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Old 05 December 2004, 19:26   #18
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Originally Posted by Philip Hodson
Any one know where you can hire,beg steal or borrow blue charts.
I have one for the south coast but need temporally one for the east
coast, just to bring a boat back from Levington marina (Ipswich) to
East Cowes Christmas week.
All this, and all Philip wants is to borrow a chart for an area he'll probably never go to again. If I had a chart to give I'd offer it. Sorry Philip!
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Old 05 December 2004, 19:27   #19
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Garmin blue charts.

Shit I wish I had not started this link, the first reply was a bit heavy.
So I’ll have to buy some paper charts or may be borrow the from the
Library. But I suppose I’ll have to pay copyrights if I read them?
By the way thanks for the other offers.
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Old 05 December 2004, 19:32   #20
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Garmin blue charts

Thanks Hightower
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