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Old 12 December 2011, 20:14   #1
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garmin datacards

Hi all
I need to transfer some way points to a different garmin plotter but dont have a suitable lead.
Has anyone got a garmin memory card and usb connector that they no longer need? Or that I can borrow for a few days to get them transfered?

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Old 13 December 2011, 08:27   #2
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Two garmins?

I am assuming the plotters can be configured in a similar way to the handhelds.

Could you (assuming again you have a connection to your VHF) disconnect the old one from the VHF, use the bare wires of each and configure them both to "Garmin - Garmin" in the interface menu? Connect the out of the old to the in of the new, and job done?

I am aware there is a lot of assumption going on here.....
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Old 13 December 2011, 11:58   #3
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Originally Posted by Mike B
Hi all
I need to transfer some way points to a different garmin plotter but dont have a suitable lead.
Has anyone got a garmin memory card and usb connector that they no longer need? Or that I can borrow for a few days to get them transfered?

Give us more info Mike. What model is the old Garmin? Have you any way at all of getting the waypoints off it? Card, lead etc

ee lad, tha can't educate pork
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Old 13 December 2011, 22:05   #4
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Originally Posted by 9D280
Two garmins?

I am assuming the plotters can be configured in a similar way to the handhelds.

Could you (assuming again you have a connection to your VHF) disconnect the old one from the VHF, use the bare wires of each and configure them both to "Garmin - Garmin" in the interface menu? Connect the out of the old to the in of the new, and job done?

I am aware there is a lot of assumption going on here.....
Hadn't thought of that! I have the points on an etrex venture so reckon I could splice the data lead to comm in and use that to host them into the 168.

Will give it a shot at the weekend! Cheers.
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Old 15 December 2011, 10:48   #5
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Or, if you have PC leads for them both but no software on the PC, I use easyGPS - talks to pretty much anything, and handles waypoints, routes & trails. Not a huge amount of functionality other than copy / paste / edit Waypoints & routes, but for a freebie that works, I'm not complaining.

EasyGPS - Download free GPS software Download the grey clicky box one, not the orannge 14 day trial. (different software). After that it takes about 20 seconds to set up (tell it your GPS type & whether you want to use serial or USB to talk to it) You can also have two or three types of machine saved for a quick swap.

I should also add I am nothig to do with them other than being a happy user.
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