Originally Posted by DJL
Hi Simon, small world. Where you working these days?
I’ve got my Garmin GPSMAP 182C and Garmin 100 Blue FF talking to each other.
To ask a stupid question, you have selected the data fields you want to be shown on the opposite device?
Also it’s worth noting that as far as I’m aware the Garmin GPS units don't send any NMEA data in simulation mode (I guess it stops DSC radios sending simulated data), so you can only test with the GPS working normally.
Hi Daniel, good to hear from you, long time no see! Working at City of London Freemen's School in Ashtead at the moment (when I don't have my head stuck into the console of my RIB

). What are you upto now? Uni? Work?
On the Fishfinder I have added the "position" field to the display, which in simulation mode displays a simulated lat & long but just goes blank when its in normal mode which i'm guessing when it starts to get nmea data will be automatically populated?
My GPS seemed to send data whilst in simulated mode while it was connected to my laptop via the serial cable, but thats not how i've been testing it as i'm able to get a good lock whilst in my garage.
Regards, Simon