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Old 07 March 2014, 11:58   #1
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Garmin Plotter to Icom VHF wiring


I am sure I have seen a post with the wiring, but i can't find it for the life of me. I am trying to connect my Garmin 750 plotter to talk to my Icom M323 VHF with no luck getting postion/time data to come through on the VHF.

I have re-read the instructions several times, but just can't seem to get it to work. perhaps there is a setting I need to change?

Does anyone know what colour wire goes to what, currently logic tells me it should be VHF Yellow to Plotter Blue, and VHF White to Plotter Brown but it is not working.

Available options are:

Blue - NMEA 0183 port 1 out Positive
Brown - NMEA 0183 port 1 in Positive
Gray - NMEA 0183 port 2 out
Violet - NMEA 0183 port 2 in

Brown - Talker - instructions say to connect to NMEA in Negative
White - Talker - instructions say to connect to NMEA in positive
Green - Listener - instructions say to connect to NMEA out Negative
Yellow - Listener - instructions say to connect to NMEA out positive

Thanks, Andy
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Old 07 March 2014, 12:11   #2
gordir999's Avatar
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Hi, my plotter was only a 451S but this was my solution copied from my post in June to the same problem. Should be close enough to give you a start? The instructions with the iCom 323 seem to over complicate it and I remember how frustrating it was :-)

Tested iCom's instructions yesterday and yes, contrary to the manual which talks about channels A and B etc, it is actually as simple as the following:

For GPS data to the radio:

Icom Yellow to Garmin Blue
Icom Green to Garmin Black / Common Ground

For NMEA data from the radio back to the Garmin:

Garmin Brown to Icom White
Garmin Black / Common Ground to Icom Brown

All working

Thanks for the input from everybody.
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