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Old 16 March 2010, 18:57   #1
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Hailer speaker

I dont on with electrics, so have a question before I blow something.

I have an Icom M505 radio with a Hailer option. The output for this is + & - wires, which the manual states is for wiring direct to a hailer speaker. The output is said to be 25W 13.8V and 4ohms.

Now I have a new Fusion I-pod stereo which has an Aux input. The input sockets are a pair of female RCA plugs. The hand book is vague "connect your auxiliary audio device".

Can I put a male jack plug on the Icom and put into the Aux of the stereo = hailer through the stereo speakers?

I know the easy option is to just mount a hailer speaker, but they look so ugly

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Old 16 March 2010, 23:34   #2
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The hailer speaker connection is for using the vhf as a hailer - ie shouting at people through your mic. Theres another wire for connecting an external speaker, says its yellow in the manual but on my icom its black (inner wire +, outer sheath -).

I could be very wrong but don't think you could connect this to an rca input, even if you could you wouldnt be able listen to the vhf and other input sources at the same time as you can only select 1 input source at a time.

You could connect a stereo speaker direct to the vhf but then you'd have 50 cent shouting over the top of somebodys mayday message

Also when an external speaker is connected to the vhf the internal speaker is automatically switched off.

Another thing to consider is that stereo speakers are designed to reproduce a wide range of sound frequencies whereas the proper job is designed specially for reproducing voices, makes a big difference in clarity.

Everything on my console is flush mounted leaving the top clear but I ran out of room for a vhf speaker. I really really didnt want to, but had no choice I had to bolt a big ugly speaker up there. Needs must.
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Old 17 March 2010, 08:18   #3
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Thanks for response.

The idea was to be able to do some commentry through the stereo speakers. I dont think there would be a clsah of VHF and talk as both systems mute this whilst Hailer/aux is selected.

What I dont know, is the output of the VHF hailer function compatable with the input into the Aux of the Fusion? I have tried to call the UK number for Fusion Tech help but number is unobtainable(!) and email has been ignored so far.

May cut my losses and just get bolt on speaker
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Old 17 March 2010, 09:43   #4
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Originally Posted by 250kts View Post
The output is said to be 25W 13.8V and 4ohms.
If that's what the "hailer out" is chucking out, you will fry any RCA input. That's a speaker level output. "Aux in" is usually around the 150mV level.

Could you not dangle a couple of speakers from the A- frame or fit flush mounts in the seat pods?
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Old 17 March 2010, 12:02   #5
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Thanks for info, I suspected as much.

Scratch that idea then
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Old 17 March 2010, 12:06   #6
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like these I'm presuming you have the command mike to make the hailer function work. Definitely worth having

I would not link a HI fi to your VHF radio!

Apart from the electrical mismatch one is an important safety device and the other is for listening to Soundz
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Old 17 March 2010, 21:50   #7
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There would probably be a way of 'sharing' the stereo loudspeakers with the hailer output on the vhf. It would need a speaker switch that would remove the stereo output from the speakers whilst the hailer is being used. This used to be an option on early car handsfree kits to allow your mobile sound to use the car speakers and 'mute' the radio.
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