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Old 14 February 2005, 12:39   #1
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Handheld or mounted VHF?

Looking for advice on VHF radios for rib cruising.

Would it be better to buy a handheld one or to mount one into the console?

Any recommendations of models and where to buy etc?


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Old 14 February 2005, 12:54   #2
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Most would agree that one of each is preferable. A fixed VHF with DSC gives much better range and obviously DSC capabilities. However a handheld is handy as a back up or should you ever part company with the boat!

I suppose that if you never venture far and cost is an issue then a handheld would be a good initial buy. Thena fixed as and when funds allow?

I have recently bought a Navman 7100 fixed VHF and an ICOM MV Euro 1V handheld after listening to lots of advice. I'm very happy with both. I got an excellent deal at the boat show on the handheld.

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Old 14 February 2005, 13:49   #3
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Originally Posted by Tony Barber

Most would agree that one of each is preferable. A fixed VHF with DSC gives much better range and obviously DSC capabilities. However a handheld is handy as a back up or should you ever part company with the boat!

I suppose that if you never venture far and cost is an issue then a handheld would be a good initial buy. Thena fixed as and when funds allow?

I have recently bought a Navman 7100 fixed VHF and an ICOM MV Euro 1V handheld after listening to lots of advice. I'm very happy with both. I got an excellent deal at the boat show on the handheld.

I'm with Tony, one of each (Belt and Braces). We carry the H/H clipped on to the lifejacket. Usefull if boat flips

As to Manufacture well for us only one ICOM. IMHO.

Brian C
APS Marine Centre
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Old 14 February 2005, 14:48   #4
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It depends what you want it to do.

I have always had handheld VHF radios on board to use to contact the coastguard in event of an emergency. (Never had to use them) For inshore use, or calling marinas etc, I reckon that they should be OK.

However, if you want a radio where you can receive calls from fellow ribbers I have found that a handheld in a pocket is pretty useless - you just can't hear it above the wind / engine noise. You need a fixed set with the volume set loud.

Have just bought a fixed set to go into my new boat. In intend on keeping the boat for a few years and so the cost won't be so hard to bear.

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Old 14 February 2005, 14:54   #5
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Originally Posted by Searider
However, if you want a radio where you can receive calls from fellow ribbers I have found that a handheld in a pocket is pretty useless - you just can't hear it above the wind / engine noise. You need a fixed set with the volume set loud.
I think this is why the M1V proves so popular.
The option of the lapel SPK/MIC means you can hear it.
They are very popular with some power boat instructors and a large number of PWC users.


Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 14 February 2005, 15:26   #6
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I have always used the bigger Icoms. They are problemfree equipment. Also fot outdoor use. They give a better/clearer sound than Navman.
The Icoms are clearly quicker to work with.
Have bought a Navman 7100 recently for the RIB and also works well.
Though i would recomend to buy a good antenna. Glassfiber min. 150 cm long.

Good luck.

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Old 14 February 2005, 15:56   #7
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As already said you are best of with both, however if you are only going for one .
The advantages of a hand held are
1/. Not dependent on the boats power supply, ie if your battery shorted out due to shipping to much water you still have a radio.
2/. The hand held is more flexable ie you can take it on different boats
3/. The hand held is cheaper
4/. You dont have to leave the HH on board so better for security

The advantages of the fixed set are
1/. DSC option
2/. Cant drop it overboard
3/. Cant leave it at home by mistake
4/. Better range due to a higher arial
5/. More power , fixed sets can transmit at 25W, HHs only at 5W
6/. You dont need to re charge the battery
7/. the fixed set can be mounted where convienant

Over all the fixed sets is better however all of my boats carry both for flexability and safety.

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Old 14 February 2005, 16:02   #8
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It has to be Icom.
Fixed DSC set on the RIB soemthing like the new IC M421 euro and a Hand Held back up. I use the M1 EuroV with a fist mike as my back up. Like Jon said, with the fist mike you can keep the radio in your pocket and just have the mike/speaker clipped on, well worth the extra £'s.
What ever you get don't buy cheap as you will be relying on the radios to get help if all goes wrong.

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Old 14 February 2005, 16:10   #9
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
I think this is why the M1V proves so popular.
The option of the lapel SPK/MIC means you can hear it.
They are very popular with some power boat instructors and a large number of PWC users.


Would have bought a Lapel SPK/MIC for my M-21 but did not find out that it was not available (and keep the set waterproof) for my radio until after I had bought it. oops
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Old 14 February 2005, 19:36   #10
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If you have to choose one make it a fixed set! also if you decide to go only for a portable then please make sure you get an extendable emergency VHF ariel

re makes then I'd rather catch the clap again than buy another Icom fixed set, but to be honest I have three Icom portables and only one of them has failed so far. I certainly wouldn't advise buying a cheap XM portable as they are not at all waterproof.

The Standard range of portables seems to be reckoned by a few people

Go and buy practical boat owner and look through the Ads which will give you an idea of how much you shoulkd be paying for your choice!

if you want to know how to use it then you can go on a course or get one of these
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Old 15 February 2005, 08:12   #11
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
If you have to choose one make it a fixed set! also if you decide to go only for a portable then please make sure you get an extendable emergency VHF ariel

re makes then I'd rather catch the clap again than buy another Icom fixed set, but to be honest I have three Icom portables and only one of them has failed so far. I certainly wouldn't advise buying a cheap XM portable as they are not at all waterproof.

The Standard range of portables seems to be reckoned by a few people

"catch the clap"
I am very suprised you have only goosed one of the hand helds.

Stuart has made some very valid points, dont happen often!
As you may have guessed he has a major "sad on" with Icom!
I always go with the majority voice not the lone wolfe!

An emergency antenna is a great back up.
I have one in my dry bag.
Has velcro straps so can be attached to the A frame or something very quickly.
They will increase your RX range no end but don't expect huge changes in TX range.
This is down to loss through cables and conectors.

As far as which to go for, fixed or hand held, choose the one that best suits your needs and budget.
Take on board all the great advice from here and then choose.
Both is by far the best option.

As listed by Doug each has its pro's and con's.

One thing to take into account, no kit from anyone will put up with constant neglect and abuse, Not even NAVMAN!
Your radio is your life line, look after them.
Clean them, hose them down (if waterproof) carry out routine checks and regreasing of knobs.

Any company worth its salt can spot neglect and abuse a million miles away.
Don't try to claim warranty if it is clear you don't look after your kit.
Don't get upset if your claims are refused if it clear it not a warranty job.

Happy ribbing
Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 15 February 2005, 08:21   #12
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Originally Posted by David Hickman
It has to be Icom.
Fixed DSC set on the RIB soemthing like the new IC M421 euro and a Hand Held back up. I use the M1 EuroV with a fist mike as my back up. Like Jon said, with the fist mike you can keep the radio in your pocket and just have the mike/speaker clipped on, well worth the extra £'s.
What ever you get don't buy cheap as you will be relying on the radios to get help if all goes wrong.
As suppliers of Icom kit I can certainly vouch for the above package in respect of RIB installations we have many happy customers with just such set up.
On the handheld side there simply is nothing better than the Icom M1EuroV - on the fixed side the only other unit I would personally consider would be the Navman, as again we have many customers who have installed these sets and have had little if any trouble - but do`nt forget all Icom kit carries a 3 year warranty!

Great prices now on the EuroV- never been a better time to buy IMOH
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Old 17 February 2005, 20:32   #13
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks

Stuart has made some very valid points, dont happen often!
I do not appreciate that remark. I make a lot of valid points as well as offering a lot of help on this forum.

Why is it that you cannot reply to a criticism of your products without launching into a personal attack.
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Old 18 February 2005, 00:09   #14
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The loyalty to Icom by some forum members is clear, what would be useful is some objective feedback on other companies who produce similar products. Entel and Standard Horizon both produce Lithium ion battery handhelds but its hard to make an objective decision.

Similar situation for fixed sets, what we really need here is for RIB International to do a comparison test, by invitation ofcourse, on handhelds and fixed sets.

Failing that some poor mug will have to get stung and blab it all here on forum for us to read, not the best advert.....
New boat is here, very happy!
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Old 18 February 2005, 15:21   #15
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
I do not appreciate that remark. I make a lot of valid points as well as offering a lot of help on this forum.

Why is it that you cannot reply to a criticism of your products without launching into a personal attack.

You suffering from sense of humour failure?

If you had valid criticism based on a product failing because it was crap I would have 110% sympathy for you.
I would and did bend over backwards to help you, as I do for everyone.

Your original gripe was with the charges for the repair of your kit.
Not actually the failure of the kit its self.
Or have you changed you position on this?
Yes your kit failed but after a good length of time.
You stated that one radio failed "out of box" but you left it.
You in fact left it until it was well out of warranty.
Surely if it was an "out of box failure" anyone sensible would return asap to get it sorted?
If it had have been an "out of box failure" Icom would have sorted it post haste.

I tried to put the full story as the "troubles" you had.
What we did, what you did, and what state the kit was in.

Your attacks on Icom are personal to me.
I am Mr Icom and as such take it personally.
If I attacked your standard of work, your boats, your work place you would take it personally to.

As I said, if our kit had failed unduly I would have moved heaven and earth to rectify it to your satifaction.
The fact of the matter is that, according to 2 engineers, it failed due to fair wear and tear and some degree of neglect, well out of warranty.
You were charged at our standard rates.
Which I did infact get reduced as a favour to you.

I am happy to move on from this Stuart but you seem unable to let it go.
I understand you are upset and feel hard done by but the fact of the matter is you are responsible for this going the way it did, not Icom or me.

You do and have made some very worth while contributions to this forum IMHO and I am sure of many on here feel the same.

I am sorry for my previous post.
It obvioulsy did not come across in the light hearted way it was meant to.

Anywy you still owe me a beer

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 18 February 2005, 16:33   #16
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buy the best you can for your budget

or buy cheap buy twice

all vhfs are very good now, and warranty with most companys seems very fair, navman seem a very good product @ the moment

but i think none of the others warranty kit for as long as icom or exchange in 24hrs as icom have done for me in the past . a premium product has a price and you do get premium service with icom
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Old 18 February 2005, 17:45   #17
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For my penny's worth - buy waterproof and buy the best you can afford. Look around for the best deal - M601 priced from £600 to £379 on various sites - didn't think I could afford M601 initially but glad I have researched and happy with mine (Not mounted yet but warranty card sent )
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Old 18 February 2005, 19:42   #18
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Originally Posted by Simon B
The loyalty to Icom by some forum members is clear, what would be useful is some objective feedback on other companies who produce similar products. Entel and Standard Horizon both produce Lithium ion battery handhelds but its hard to make an objective decision.

Similar situation for fixed sets, what we really need here is for RIB International to do a comparison test, by invitation ofcourse, on handhelds and fixed sets.

Failing that some poor mug will have to get stung and blab it all here on forum for us to read, not the best advert.....
h/h Entel ht640. does everything needed.. £149.95 from Marine Super Store at Port Solent, with a free case and speaker/mic..

Much, much cheaper than the icom..

btw, as a still relative newbie who reads and absorbs the information posted, and acts/shop/etc on the various comments...

Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
Stuart has made some very valid points, dont happen often!
As you may have guessed he has a major "sad on" with Icom!
I always go with the majority voice not the lone wolfe!
Funnily enough, I always go for the company that doesn't slam it's customers in public.. Whatever your problem is with Stuart, comments like that by Mr Icom look really bad to consumers, ie moi..
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Old 18 February 2005, 20:38   #19
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a little warmth and patching up , Isnt it!!!!

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Old 18 February 2005, 20:44   #20
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could you post a link to where i can get a entel ht640 from marine super store.
i have looked but cant see where they say a speaker mic and case are included,

does anyone have any oppinions on the entel by the way?

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