10 November 2022, 07:26
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Handheld VHF & licence
I have used the search function about this but I have a few questions to the learned members and a bit of a rant!
I just run a sib, never going out of mobile range, but I’m thinking of asking Santa (my wife) for a small handheld, something like the Standard Horizon HX300.
I’ve got the ship portable license from Ofcom, but I now need to get the RYA SRC license too.
This is going to cost me about £150. I know how to use a radio and use one daily at work.
I have read conflicting information, but I think that I if I only use the radio for emergencies and possibly on private channels then I don’t need the RYA short range certificate, but I don’t want to break the law so I need to make sure I’m 100% legal.
I suppose that I could hold of on the radio and get the course done first then get the radio later. To be honest what annoys me is that to be legal I have to pay a private company for a certificate and I don’t believe that ofcom stipulates what the cost should be. It seems a bit perverse to me….
Rant over.
10 November 2022, 08:10
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Originally Posted by Ducati
I have used the search function about this but I have a few questions to the learned members and a bit of a rant!
I just run a sib, never going out of mobile range, but I’m thinking of asking Santa (my wife) for a small handheld, something like the Standard Horizon HX300.
I’ve got the ship portable license from Ofcom, but I now need to get the RYA SRC license too.
This is going to cost me about £150. I know how to use a radio and use one daily at work.
I have read conflicting information, but I think that I if I only use the radio for emergencies and possibly on private channels then I don’t need the RYA short range certificate, but I don’t want to break the law so I need to make sure I’m 100% legal.
I suppose that I could hold of on the radio and get the course done first then get the radio later. To be honest what annoys me is that to be legal I have to pay a private company for a certificate and I don’t believe that ofcom stipulates what the cost should be. It seems a bit perverse to me….
Rant over.
Personally if you can use a radio & won't be doing anything malicious I wouldnt waste your money. Chances of getting checked are almost zero as long as you know the rules & protocols you'll be fine.imho
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10 November 2022, 10:14
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Originally Posted by Ducati
….but I don’t want to break the law so I need to make sure I’m 100% legal..
Sort of answered your own question there.
But as Ken says, your chances of getting checked are probably zero, even if you got checked/caught, I doubt that any meaningful action would be taken. Unless you were mis-using the VHF & causing a nuisance/danger to other users.
Personally I have the short range cert, I paid the money & got the ticket, twice. As you had to do a refresher when GMDSS came in.
Paradoxically, you say that you would only use the radio in an emergency. The main focus of the course is to teach you what to do/say in an emergency….
Your choice 🤷*♂️
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10 November 2022, 12:20
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As Dave says the course is really geared to getting all the information required to the right people on the right channel to execute a safe rescue should your day head south.
During our PB2 the instructor gave us a fairly comprehensive run down on vhf use and etiquette although we never sat any sort of exam/test.
Like most things in life when it’s not done on a regular basis you forget stuff, even the important bits. I have a laminated card in the console with the mayday procedure clearly described on it. Any time I’m out with people on my boat I make it known that the card exists should they need to use it. It’s usually next to the spare killcord.
There is a place on this planet for all of Gods creatures.........right next to my tatties and gravy.
10 November 2022, 13:04
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Originally Posted by a1an
as dave says the course is really geared to getting all the information required to the right people on the right channel to execute a safe rescue should your day head south.
During our pb2 the instructor gave us a fairly comprehensive run down on vhf use and etiquette although we never sat any sort of exam/test.
Like most things in life when it’s not done on a regular basis you forget stuff, even the important bits. I have a laminated card in the console with the mayday procedure clearly described on it. Any time i’m out with people on my boat i make it known that the card exists should they need to use it. It’s usually next to the spare killcord.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
10 November 2022, 13:10
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My missus is never going to remember that if it’s me in the brine and panic sets in but it’s definitely something worth going over mentally on a regular basis.
There is a place on this planet for all of Gods creatures.........right next to my tatties and gravy.
10 November 2022, 13:12
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Your radio choice is a good one.
Got one myself.
I also have a laminated crib sheet on board.
10 November 2022, 13:12
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I know that if you have a Radio in the boat, are in trouble and use it sensibly, nobody is going worry.
I did the course and updated it like PD, and on both occasions it felt a bit like a revenue generating scheme as we didn't learn anything that wasn't in the book I'd brought to swat up with beforehand.
Also, as has been stated already, I find it very hard to believe you'd ever get caught if you are using it sensibly.
On the other hand I'm sure that if it were a proper free for all there would be far more abuse of the system.
The legislation gives the impression that it's more tightly policed than it actually is, which stops people just buying a VHFs to use as Walkie Talkies.
Perhaps if it was that important there would be legislation in place to ensure you needed to show your certificate before being able to purchase a radio.
I've also mentioned before on here that it's slightly annoying when you go through all the proper procedures, structure your communications properly etc when contacting the professionals like KHM, and then get a one word answer back.
10 November 2022, 13:41
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by A1an
My missus is never going to remember that if it’s me in the brine….
Nah! She’d be trying to remember where she put the life policies…
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
10 November 2022, 14:54
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I did an online course which was really useful to prepare you for what to say in an emergency and also to help in an emergency ie relaying another weak signal.
Haven't bothered to do the actual test as I'm not really sure there is much point in having the bit of paper, but I'd definitely recommend doing the online course.
10 November 2022, 20:47
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Originally Posted by cdbxyz
I did an online course which was really useful to prepare you for what to say in an emergency and also to help in an emergency ie relaying another weak signal.
Haven't bothered to do the actual test as I'm not really sure there is much point in having the bit of paper, but I'd definitely recommend doing the online course.
I'd agree, I found the online course really useful and would recommend it.
I did the the exam and thought it complimented the online course, but I think that was more down to the examiner not the exam itself.
10 November 2022, 21:15
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Always an interesting debate this one.........responsible use on a small leisure boat, exceptionally unlikely you're ever going to get into any sort of trouble without a licence.
* Why would you invest in safety equipment and not invest in the knowledge to use it properly and instinctively?
* If you "only ever use it for emergencies", how are you going to know it works, when the emergency happens?
* I work all day everyday with people who use a 2-way radio as a tool of their job - most of them haven't got a clue how to pass a concise and efficient message - because they haven't been trained?
* It's the law - radio and operator are required to be licensed - except in an emergency
But it's ultimately your choice......
10 November 2022, 23:05
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If you are concerned that a transmission isn't legal, so don't make it, might that transmission avoid a more serious incident etc
Most of the course is of course common sense
But there are some oddities. Mayday Relay for example. DSC Mayday Relay even more so.
I use VHF on sailing club private channel... You'd think there wouldn't be much to learn. Things certainly aren't perfect at times.
Having the piece of paper with no radio will be more useless than a radio with no paper...
11 November 2022, 07:02
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I did the course and it was very enjoyable in a group and you will gain from it. Your choice of course but the fact you're asking - you probably know the 'right' answer! ;-)
11 November 2022, 12:56
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Originally Posted by Max...
I did the course and it was very enjoyable in a group and you will gain from it. Your choice of course but the fact you're asking - you probably know the 'right' answer! ;-)
+1 on this. I just consider it as part of the hobby. Learning some VHF etiquette is useful but learning MIRPDANIO could be a lifesaver.
I'm still flummoxed by the non-emergency DSC side of life though. I haven't used it and therefore I've forgotten what to do.
11 November 2022, 15:34
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Originally Posted by GuyC
+1 on this. I just consider it as part of the hobby. Learning some VHF etiquette is useful but learning MIRPDANIO could be a lifesaver.
there is absolutely no need to learn a mnemonic to make an effective distress transmission - that's lazy pedagogy. Realistically in a distress even an instructor who knows his MIPDANIOs backwards will benefit from an aide memoir card.
I'm still flummoxed by the non-emergency DSC side of life though. I haven't used it and therefore I've forgotten what to do.
That's precisely the point of the course isn't it. You might use radios regularly but do you use marine VHF radios? Do you use DSC? Would doing the course help understand the potential advantages of DSC and so consider spending £50 more? Using it to hail a friend, a marina, the CG to tell them your epic plans, a yacht in the bay to see if he wants any of the extra mackrell you caught etc - all build confidence with the tool (and reassurance it works) and people who don't do the course and say "i'll only use it in an emergency" miss out on that.
To be honest what annoys me is that to be legal I have to pay a private company for a certificate and I don’t believe that ofcom stipulates what the cost should be. It seems a bit perverse to me….
You aren't really paying a private co for the certificate. You pay the RYA for the exam and certificate which is a fixed fee that is almost certainly less than if the DoT ran the scheme themselves. However you also need to do the course content - and you get to shop around for that part. Prices, quality and delivery style vary but I there are still some sailing clubs running courses for very little (or maybe no money for members) so I don't think the cost complaint applies to that part.
12 November 2022, 06:51
Country: UK - England
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Thanks to all for the reply’s, some great advice and opinions, much appreciated.
07 March 2023, 13:33
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Late to the party on this thread I know, but I went through that same dilemma 18 months ago and thought I'd share my situation.
Basically, 4m rib, only ever within pretty much swimming distance off shore so probably always within mobile range.
Bought an Icom handheld VHF just in case, and it really is - I use it for monitoring Ch16 and thats it. I did register with Ofcom.
I signed up for an online VHF course, paid about £50 TO Urban Truant and got the RYA handbook
I felt that between those two I am more than capable of making a mayday call if needed. It doesn't have DSC, and its handheld so no MMSI to worry about either.
Good thing with the online course is that its interactive and doesn't seem to expire so a few days before we head onto the water, I log in to the training and have a run through the mayday procedure etc as a refresher.
I though the book was very good too in teaching about more basic stuff like contacting marina's etc.
Hope this helps someone in future!
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