Hats off to the chaps at RIBCRAFT
Well what a polava. "Dorian, you know the RIB I've just taken delivery of less than a month ago, well do you mind re-wiring it? (In the next three days?)
Vampire went back to RIBCRAFT last week to have the C80 replaced by an E80 and the new AIS 250 system fitted. And as they had to pull it apart it was a good oportunity to have a go at interfacing the Suzuki 300 with the E80 to get all the engine management on one screen. Suffice to say the job is done, however there was much scratching of heads and bits of paper / wiring diagrams flying around. In the end from what I can gather Dorian drew his own!! A couple of points isues along the way though the C & E series have completely different Seatalk and Seatalk 2 interfaces on the rear. And a completely different way of communicating with peripherals (RADAR / GPS / Lifetag / VHF etc). Believe me they dont even look the same (from the back)) so it's not quite the case to pull out and replace. The second big issue was that the new AIS box is not waterproofed so it all had to be armoured / waterproofed and cables spliced in and out through glands (lots and Lots of them). The Engine also proved interesting as Suzuki can send the data the E80 can receive the data but does anyone know which cable to use? In the end the NMEA 2000 cable went into the high speed Seatalk 2 Bus.
Anyway to cut a long story short I think a bit of open recognition to the guys in Yeovil as this was a first. From my point of view were off to Amsterdam next week via Oostend and Rotterdam, I have packed the manuals and will report back later.