Originally Posted by Peter_C
My recommendation would be to call the manufacturer and start a case with a number since your warranty is coming up fast. Plus they usually have good advice and really do want the components working and a happy customer.
Did that yesterday. Didn't get the brightest tech on the phone. He didn't know that a P79 was an in-hull!
Originally Posted by jyasaki
Both DC signals, so that should not be an issue, unless you've got a ton of noise on your battery cable (a voltmeter set to AC should give you a rough idea.)
Can't really think of a reliable method of isolating the problem. Unless you can pull the ducer and hang it over the side or back while running (didn't really think so)?
1. Test at full throttle in neutral to see if it goes out.
2. Change the fluid? Everyone says mineral oil is ok but now airmar is recommending "Propylene glycol (non-toxic antifreeze/coolant)"
3. Cut zip ties and route wire away from everything?
4. I could hang it over the side but only when idling along....probably can't do that at 20 mph!