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Old 06 June 2005, 14:26   #1
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Helmet Intercoms

I’ve finally had to admit that using the boat in all weathers is going to be more comfortable with helmets and visors such as Geckos or similar, and I’m wondering about adding an intercom system between them. Overkill I know in 90% of instances, but I do like my gadgets.
I have an old system for my motorbike, but that requires a wire between rider and pillion, so I’m thinking of upgrading to a wireless system that I can swap between boat and bike.

The Bike to Bike systems use a pair of walkie talkies that have plug in voice operated headsets, and are designed to fit inside a helmet so sound ideal, especially as some of the sets are supposed to be waterproof.
These systems often have the facility to plug into an MP3 player or on bike stereo, But obviously do not have the facility to allow two way communications to a second device such as a VHF. Some do however allow hands free connection to a mobile.
Does anybody see any problems with me plugging into the external speaker socket on the VHF and then using the hand held mike?

Or does anybody have any other suggestions.

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Old 06 June 2005, 14:57   #2
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try these it all depends on your budget of
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Old 06 June 2005, 15:57   #3
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I pondered the self same thing and decided that when funds allow the best current option would be;

Standard Horizon, Entel, Icom handheld liked to a headset in Gecko.

Advantage of the Standard Horizon HX370e is that it has PMR channels available which could be used on land which would address your requirement.
Being on your bike a waterproof solution would I assume find favour also.
New boat is here, very happy!
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Old 06 June 2005, 16:07   #4
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The Icom M87 has PMR like the Horizon but as with this unit you will need a PMR licence they are not for licence free channels (these are UHF)

Just before I went on holiday I went to see a company called Starcom
They do bike to bike kits and are looking to interface them with Icom Marine kit.
Mainly as they have fitted some of the Honda F4S boats this season.
Their kit is all waterproof and well priced.
They can also do multi station kits for larger boats.

There is also D S Developments, they do a lot of the kit for the RNLI.

Greytronics is great kit but like all great kit its not cheap!!
All MOD boats with intercoms use Greytronics, fitted as standard by Halmatic.

I have tried all of the above kit with Gecko's as well as the DS add on unit for the helmate that plugs direct into our M1V and M87e (boom mic and ear piece that fixes to the helmate)
Gecko do their own but have not tried theirs as yet.
This I use the DS one most weekends.

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 06 June 2005, 16:10   #5
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Originally Posted by Nasher
I’ve finally had to admit that using the boat in all weathers is going to be more comfortable with helmets and visors such as Geckos or similar, and I’m wondering about adding an intercom system between them. Overkill I know in 90% of instances, but I do like my gadgets.
I have an old system for my motorbike, but that requires a wire between rider and pillion, so I’m thinking of upgrading to a wireless system that I can swap between boat and bike.

The Bike to Bike systems use a pair of walkie talkies that have plug in voice operated headsets, and are designed to fit inside a helmet so sound ideal, especially as some of the sets are supposed to be waterproof.
These systems often have the facility to plug into an MP3 player or on bike stereo, But obviously do not have the facility to allow two way communications to a second device such as a VHF. Some do however allow hands free connection to a mobile.
Does anybody see any problems with me plugging into the external speaker socket on the VHF and then using the hand held mike?

Or does anybody have any other suggestions.


I spoke with the guy on the GECKO stand at RIBEX They will have this available in the next 2 months . just in time for winter!!
Andrew Edge
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Old 07 June 2005, 07:40   #6
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Geoff at Gecko mentioned this to me.
Hoping to see and try it at Seawork next week.
Will let you know what it is like.

Might try and blag a sample!!

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 14 June 2005, 17:41   #7
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Maplin do cheap and cheerful motorbike intercoms.

At twenty quid a shot its nice and easy to use and if it does die on you its not the end of the world.

Some have cables and the more expensive ones are FM.

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