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Old 14 August 2009, 17:37   #1
Country: UK - England
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HELP! - Icom 411 power plug

I'm sitting on my boat with no other net connection other than my mobile phone, and I need to remove my Icom 411 VHF. I expected the power connector to just unplug, but it looks like it might be moulded into the unit. Can anyone please confirm if it should just pull out as I don't want to break anything!
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Old 14 August 2009, 20:16   #2
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It is moulded into the unit. You will have to trace the wires to the bullet crimps on the end and disconnect at that point.
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Old 14 August 2009, 21:19   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Cowes
Boat name: WightStuff
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Thanks for the info... I did get it removed in the end, and as you say.. had to trace the wires back and disconnect from there.

I'm very familiar with in car stereos, where plug and play is quite standard these days. Seemed really odd to have the power loom "hard-wired" into the unit.

Anyone know whether the microphone unit is removeable from the side of the M411?

I need to return the unit to Icom, but don't really want to send the microphone as well, if I can disconnect it.
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