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Old 02 March 2007, 09:38   #21
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Swapped for another set which works fine so I'm all happy now

I have noticed though, that the microphone on them is VERY insensitive compared to all my other radios, you need to have it jammed in your mouth to use it, if you use it 6 to 12 inches away which is what I would normally do (the Icom mikes on my base sets work without taking them off the dash in the vehicles - about 2 feet away) then the audio is quite faint on the receiving set.

I guess this is probably due to the mike having to be waterproof so must have a much heavier diaphragm in it or something?
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Old 02 March 2007, 10:32   #22
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This is also true of a lot of the newer Icom and Standard fixed sets. It suspect it's to better cancel wind noise etc - either that or the increased clarity is a useful by product!

Originally Posted by BogMonster View Post
Swapped for another set which works fine so I'm all happy now

I have noticed though, that the microphone on them is VERY insensitive compared to all my other radios, you need to have it jammed in your mouth to use it, if you use it 6 to 12 inches away which is what I would normally do (the Icom mikes on my base sets work without taking them off the dash in the vehicles - about 2 feet away) then the audio is quite faint on the receiving set.

I guess this is probably due to the mike having to be waterproof so must have a much heavier diaphragm in it or something?
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Old 02 March 2007, 10:37   #23
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Originally Posted by BogMonster View Post
Swapped for another set which works fine so I'm all happy now

I have noticed though, that the microphone on them is VERY insensitive compared to all my other radios, you need to have it jammed in your mouth to use it, if you use it 6 to 12 inches away which is what I would normally do (the Icom mikes on my base sets work without taking them off the dash in the vehicles - about 2 feet away) then the audio is quite faint on the receiving set.

I guess this is probably due to the mike having to be waterproof so must have a much heavier diaphragm in it or something?

Sorry you had the drama in the first place but pleased it is sorted.
I will sort out with Peter how we will deal with his warranty.

You guessed right.
There is a waterproof diaphragm over the mic in all our kit.
As Jim points out this is the same for Icom and some others.
As you have found beacuase of this you need to drive the mic a bit harder than you do for the HAM kit you have.
Is the base set a marine unit and is it an older model like a M56/58 unit?

Best regards
Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 02 March 2007, 19:34   #24
Country: Other
Town: Stanley, Falkland Is
Boat name: Seawolf
Make: Osprey Vipermax 5.8
Length: 5m +
Engine: Etec 150
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 3,726

The base sets I was referring to were the ones in the vehicles (2 x Icom IC2100) the two in the house (IC-2000 and a *spit* Alinco which is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard) and the one at work (an IC-229) which all have about the same sensitivity but of course are not waterproof ones they are just regular ham sets - to be honest I haven't really used the one on the rib and now it has no antenna so I can't, but that is an Icom IC-402 (I think!) its waterproof anyway but I'm not sure about the mike on that. Likewise my other two handhelds an Alinco DJ195 and a Yaesu VX-150 are just ham sets and not waterproof.

Peter was going to get somebody to test it for him I think so may be in touch with you in due course - but sometimes it worked with me but definitely on one occasions it wasn't putting anything out to somebody about a mile away line of sight. I'm happier with a different set as it is mainly going to be carried for safety and I want it to work if I fall in the drink

No real drama I am sure the replacement will be 100% just like my Yaesu 2m handheld has been. Everything else about the set is great, clear display, very loud and clear audio much better than the 2m handhelds which is exactly what is needed on a rib, feels very solid, and very fast scan speed too.

Hadn't thought of the mike design helping with wind noise but that will also be an advantage on a rib - I just need to remember to cancel 20 years of habit and jam my face into the thing so folks can hear me


A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...

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