ICOM DSC controller
First in answer to Ribalds question - yes there are 2 airials with an ICOM set up. One is only a recieving airial for DSC, the other is the Tx/Rx for the main VHF (inc Tx for DSC)
As explained by ICOM - a set with only 1 airial - SIMRAD - stops recieving DSC when you are transmitting - so if you broadcast a DSC Distress and then send the Mayday over Ch16 - If a ship/CG sends you an ACK this will be missed by your DSC set.
Commercial sets must have 2 airials - and this is the same for ICOM
Anyway my main question
The GPS - DSC connection isn't made yet. The ICOM manual is a bit lacking in this area, but a phone call to ICOM today was usefull and they tell me the connection is through a simple phono socket (like your stereo).
As "Panther" is safely tucked away can somebody with a DSC-100 confirm that this is the connection and I'll make one up ready to fit for the weekend.