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Old 14 March 2006, 10:46   #1
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 1,850
Icom DSC Talks: "The Facts"

Thanks to Jon Brooks, members of my sailing club (yes, sailing!) were recently treated to a talk on DSC, and how it affects leisure boaters.

Despite the fact Jon did not hide the fact he works for Icom, the talk was aimed at DSC radios across the board, and selling the concept to sceptical non dsc vhf users. It wasn't an Icom plug, and I even (shock horror) heard Jon reccomend someone buy a Simrad!

The talk lasts about 45mins, with a full colour presentation, and the feedback from the end was very positive. It seems there are quite a few myths propagated about DSC, and the talk clarified exactly what DSC does and doesn't do, and was put together in a very easy to understand format.

If you have a group of people, for example a Sailing/Cruising Club etc, these talks are free, and I would highly reccomend them! All you need to do is e-mail Jon a couple of dates, and sure enough, he will turn up and present!
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Old 14 March 2006, 15:32   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: Yoda & Obi Wan
Make: XS700
Length: 7m +
Engine: 200 HP
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,032

Whats this disaster log in your signature- does not seem to work
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