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Old 06 September 2014, 20:10   #1
Country: UK - England
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,767
ICOM Euro M1v charging pod

I have a HH Euro M1V. Served me well for years. Came with 240v charger and a cradle along the lines of an AD95.

I normally charge it from a 12v cigarette socket instead of the 240. But when I went to charge the other day the AD95 bit had disappeared. Now I must have it 'somewhere' ... But my question is does it actually do any wizardry or is it just a cradle that sends 12V to the pins on the radio? If its as simple as that I can botch up a replacement with some MDF and a couple if screw heads. If its got technology in there that manages the charge that's not gonna work...?
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