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Old 24 November 2005, 07:18   #1
Country: New Zealand
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Boat name: Windenzee 2
Make: home build
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Engine: Diesol 80hp
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 2
icom ic-m78 hf 100 wat radio

I am in the process of purchasing an SSb for on my boat and wondered if any one has owned or heard good or bad things about this model.I think it is used a lot on American boats and appears to be very simular to the Icom 718 amature set. It costs about half the price of the Icom 802
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Old 24 November 2005, 10:00   #2
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Hi Gavin

The IC-78 is a commercial land based SSB unit.
Normally used in places like Australia of Africa for long range, land based comms.
It is not a marine unit and is not approved for use on the marine SSB frequ's.

The Ham/Amature kit is also not aprroved for marine use.

The 78 and 718 are in deed based on the same unit.

The M802 is, at this time, the only marine SSB form Icom.
It is not approved for the EU market.

The M801 EU Marine SSB was showm at METS, is at Paris next week and will be launch in the UK at London in January.

The M802/801 are designed and built specifically for the marine world.
Our land based and or the Ham HF kit is not.

Hope that helps

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 25 November 2005, 08:14   #3
Country: New Zealand
Town: Auckland
Boat name: Windenzee 2
Make: home build
Length: 10m +
Engine: Diesol 80hp
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 2
what is the difference

Thanks for the reply. I was not aware that the 802 is also not approved for EU. In the pacific we have a lot of American boats coming with ham sets and I have heard that the M-78 is one of the models used. What is the real differences between comercial and Marine excluding 100 watt-150 watt , dsc,e-mail ready and price.I am after a reliable radio for emergencies. Finance as with all cruisers is a consideration and the differece between the M-78 and 802 model will enable me to buy a 16 mile furuno radar.I don't need a BMW to get to work but I do need something that will keep on going. With this all in mind would you still advise against the M-78. Look forward to your reply.
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