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Old 21 September 2015, 20:49   #21
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post
Further info. I've been in communication with Icom UK again today & the answer is....wait for it..........NMEA0183 The absolute, genuine, no money back guaranteed way to make it work is to use NMEA0183 for position & time data into the VHF. Still use NMEA2000 for DSC & AIS info out of the VHF, but NMEA for data in. Apparently there is a conflict (bug) in the Icom NMEA2000 implementation, they have already resolved this with Raymarine & Garmin by modifying software in the plotters, they can't guarantee that the new firmware for the VHF will resolve the issue with Lowrance etc. So it looks like the soldering iron is coming out tomorrow. Slightly p1ssed off, as the main driver for buying the M506 was the "plug & play" NMEA2000, yeah right
Thanks for you persistence on this Pikey. Maybe this means that NMEA2000 will eventually work properly if I keep updating the firmware in my old Garmin plotter and my M506.

In the meantime it's good to know that my fix using NMEA0183 for data into the M506 is a good workaround.
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Old 29 September 2015, 11:47   #22
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post
Further info. I've been in communication with Icom UK again today & the answer is....wait for it..........NMEA0183 The absolute, genuine, no money back guaranteed way to make it work is to use NMEA0183 for position & time data into the VHF. Still use NMEA2000 for DSC & AIS info out of the VHF, but NMEA for data in. Apparently there is a conflict (bug) in the Icom NMEA2000 implementation, they have already resolved this with Raymarine & Garmin by modifying software in the plotters, they can't guarantee that the new firmware for the VHF will resolve the issue with Lowrance etc. So it looks like the soldering iron is coming out tomorrow. Slightly p1ssed off, as the main driver for buying the M506 was the "plug & play" NMEA2000, yeah right
Pikey D,
Did you manage to resolve the communication problem by connecting NMEA0183 in the end?
I have same problem and similar answer from Icom . Did you connect bi-directional 0183 wires as I'm not sure NMEA2000 allows the unit to send DSC info yet. Icom can't / won't say. AIS does seem to go via NMEA2000 as far as I can see.
I'm trying to connect into a Garmin system ( 4010 plotter) so think I need to connect both -ve / low Icom listener / talkers to Garmin ground to make it all work.
Icom say they have 1.003 software but haven't resolved this ( and I don't know if they can). I also went to have a word at the boat show...
Richard W
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Old 29 September 2015, 11:59   #23
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Hi Richard, you were probably the chap speaking to the other bloke on the Icom stand when I was there. I have connected up the 0183 with the VHF as a listener only, & it works fine. I have also set the VHF to use nmea2000 to receive position data, that way it will always use one or the other. I have a separate AIS transponder connected to the nmea2000 network so all my AIS & DSC data comes via that. Icom told me that the V1003 software specifically resolved the issues with Garmin & Raymarine. I think that Icom have dropped a bo11ock with the nmea2000 implementation on the 506. According to my man at Icom, they are going to go with the inbuilt GPS on future units & just use 0183 for data out. They are shying away from N2k, which is a big mistake IMHO.

.....sh1t happens.......
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Old 29 September 2015, 12:07   #24
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That would make sense. I also use a separate AIS ( Garmin ) receiver so bought the M506 without AIS . Icom didn't have any to sell , so took a AIS version and down converted it for me. Radio itself great - replaced Garmin 200 which lasted about 2 yrs. Not so waterproof apparently...
There was a couple of internet mentions from the raymarine tech forums earlier this summer in USA mentioning their NMEA2000 implementation incorrect , but they are still selling it as fully compatable with Garmin via N2K only !
Richard W
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Old 02 October 2015, 20:01   #25
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I know my tech is much older, but I also feed my vhf via the 0813 wire.

2 reasons-
- it's a mature format so less likely to throw a wobbler
-if thé 2k packs in I can quickly re-patch inside the console and feed both radio and / or plotter from my trusty Garmin 12.
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Old 11 October 2015, 14:46   #26
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As an update, installed ICOM M506 today. Connected both Nmea 2000 and 0183, position data came through 0183 and AIS comes in via Nmea2000.
For the future advice I have connected ICOM Green listener B ( data -L) to Garmin pink
ICOM yellow wire Listener A ( Data - H) to Gamin grey
ICOM Brown wire Talker B ( Data -L) to Garmin orange/ white
ICOM white wire Talker A ( Data -H) to Garmin White

First impressions - the speaker output needs to be fairly near max volume to hear , but very clear. We were receiving Solent coastguard Pan pan messages within Chichester Marina - I think that's > 10 miles range. The call playback is very clever and allows about the last 2 mins of radio traffic to be replayed. The noise reduction is a revelation . I spent half an hour playing with DSC calls but haven't yet hailed someone using the AIS DSC call function - need a volunteer !
I have sika fixed the radio tight as the console of the Humber is too deep to allow the mounting clips to attach .
It seems a good piece of kit .
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Old 11 October 2015, 15:58   #27
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Originally Posted by Rumbustious View Post
We were receiving Solent coastguard Pan pan messages within Chichester Marina - I think that's > 10 miles range.
It may be but its also from a flipping huge mast and a lot of power. I'd be concerned if you couldn't hear this probably even on a hand held you stand a chance. And that of course assumes Solent were only transmitting on the Solent Aerials. In emergencies they have a tendancy to transmit on multiple aerials in the area - probably officially incase the casualty hears one better, but in reality I think to tell all the WAFIs doing their fifteenth radio check of the day to STFU.
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Old 11 October 2015, 18:11   #28
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That's quite reassuring to hear. My experience to date is probably tempered by having a low mounted aerial ( console , no A frame) and being 8 miles inland. I had wondered if their aerials were unidirectional , or focused out to sea?
The last radio ( Garmin) would have trouble communicating with Chichester Marina lock control unless visual - I would guess less than a mile range.
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