Remember, only the 3g versions of the ipad have the Gps chip, the wifi only get sudo gps from wifi and cell towers, which of course there are few of at sea

That being said with iNax and a fancy electronic box you can wire in a local wifi network to all your normal nmea 2000 stuff... apparently.
I don't have the money or need for that on a 5.1 rib
It will however mean that i can use the video camera on the ipad so don't need a go-pro either, so may fit another ram mount to the A Frame so i can get whole boat shots as well as helm POV.
Just looking for a stand alone wifi/bluetooth sounder now, can only find one to be attached to a fishing rod at the moment.
Got it mounted on my bike at the moment, and fitted the ram mount the stainless hoop for the console, now need to re fit the hoop and wire in the USB socket.