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Old 20 May 2016, 18:16   #21
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Originally Posted by neil.mccrirrick View Post
Plus the aerial isn't dedicated so there is another Problem
? Take a phone apart and you will see the GPS aerial is separate...

I can't find compelling evidence that says you can rely on a phone gps so it's out.
You know that message which appears on your chartplotter when you turn it on, what does it say?
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Old 20 May 2016, 18:23   #22
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There is pedantic and then unhelpful. We all know relying on anything electrical at sea carries risk. Taking something that you have no idea will work is too high risk for me if it's the only option you have. Did I not make that clear

Anyway this isn't me thread. I posted to help with the research I had done. I'm no expert don't pretend to be so any quote of what I have said to illicit a response is largely pointless tbh
I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there.
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Old 20 May 2016, 18:26   #23
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Originally Posted by mick View Post
Nah you need a Attachment 112950 for iPad £99

+1 👍🏻, sometimes use it at work. Bluetooth connection.
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Old 20 May 2016, 18:31   #24
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iPad Plotter/AIS - Again

Anyway who the feck can read an iPhone or ipad travelling circa 30 kn in a chop and rain when it's in a case not me I've tried
Another thing if using Navionics on iPad you can't zoom in enough like a dedicated plotter
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Old 20 May 2016, 19:04   #25
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I remain a sceptic that this is urban myth spread probably by the GPS suppliers to encoruage people to buy standalones.

The OP clearly stated he wanted it as a second bit of kit.

I know several WAFIs who use Hudls etc on board for this purpose. The only person I've ever met who had an issue had a steel boat with a steel cabin. He expected issues!

Originally Posted by neil.mccrirrick View Post
The chip in the phone is a low power option due to the phone battery having several other things to manage.
So when I got my first GPS it ran on 4 x AA Batteries at 600mAh and 1.2V - giving a maximum power of 2.88Wh. My phone has a 3200mAh 7.2V battery and yes it does other things but can provide 23Wh of power. Nearly 10 times more..? But even more importantly it doesn't need to transmit anything, just process it so other than perhaps some amplification I'm not sure why more power is needed? A typical GPS Chip draw 50mW. If you want to save power you don't process the data as often. So my anrdoid will reduce power consumption by reducing from 1second fixes to 10second if power goes below 30%. On a boat wired into the battery this wouldn't be an issue.

Originally Posted by neil.mccrirrick View Post
Getting a fix going to airplane mode and doing a test is not the same as being out of coverage and doing a "cold start". You could easily find it takes 20 mins or more to get a fix. Plus the aerial isn't dedicated so there is another problem
So for the sake of science. If I go to airplane mode, drive 20 miles, switch on GPS but no cell usage and time how long it takes for first fix on a bobbing boat would that satisfy you?
Why is he doing a cold start anyway? It will be on as he leaves the marina.

I can't find compelling evidence that says you can rely on a phone gps so it's out.
What evidence do you want that you can provide for any plotter?

Whole set up if you already have a tablet is cheap circa £2-300 for plotter sounder combo but unproven
I can buy a suitable tablet for under £50, Mount for £20, Charger £5, Navionics £25, or I think OpenCPN have an android work around. Without adding rubber and such you can do this for under £100 these days. Not bad for a second plotter in a dry cabin. Waterproofing however is a different league of challenge

Originally Posted by neil.mccrirrick View Post
There is pedantic and then unhelpful. We all know relying on anything electrical at sea carries risk. Taking something that you have no idea will work is too high risk for me if it's the only option you have. Did I not make that clear
Nope - because you would surely validate the set up before taking it anywhere where you might "want to rely on it"? And you will presumably have built in redundancy of second plotter, phone with functions, erm... a paper chart, mark 1 eyeball!

I posted to help with the research I had done. I'm no expert don't pretend to be so any quote of what I have said to illicit a response is largely pointless tbh
But you did make out you know what you are talking about but haven't backed any of it with any evidence that it is true and current to modern tech. You said things like "same aerial" which is wrong. You said the phone can't spare the battery power which I think is not the same as phone cant get a fix in the same place with the same accuracy. You implied you know more than you've been prepared to evidence...
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Old 20 May 2016, 19:10   #26
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I'm sorry I hadn't realised that anyone that posts an opinion needs to have a bona fide. Mind you given your apparent expertise perhaps you could post more in the positive to help as opposed to having a tant at me because in your opinion I may have misled an adult

Got to say I do kind of enjoy the detailed argument you make though
I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there.
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Old 20 May 2016, 19:12   #27
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Oh and the interpretation made without asking for clarity but noting wrong in jumping to conclusions
I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there.
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Old 20 May 2016, 21:35   #28
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When you can buy a raymarine 5" plotter for £330 quid with charts which in the grand scheme of things isn't that much more than what you'd spend getting a tablet to (maybe) work
I don't see the point.
it's the proper tool for the job and you can put it alongside your main plotter on the dash where you can actually use it if the main does fail
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Old 20 May 2016, 22:29   #29
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All I can say is that I have never had an ipad lose gps lock both on the rib, and on yachts. I have just come back from 10 days sailing in the Greek islands and used the ipad all the time. The plotter on the charter boat was only really good for the DSC. Same in the rib. The fairly ancient Garmin is OK for the DSC, but the ipad is just so much better for navigating.
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Old 21 May 2016, 08:21   #30
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Originally Posted by Bucksribster View Post
All I can say is that I have never had an ipad lose gps lock both on the rib, and on yachts. I have just come back from 10 days sailing in the Greek islands and used the ipad all the time. The plotter on the charter boat was only really good for the DSC. Same in the rib. The fairly ancient Garmin is OK for the DSC, but the ipad is just so much better for navigating.
Which iPad app do you use?
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Old 21 May 2016, 08:44   #31
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Found this last night, quite an old video from 2013.

They do mention that the 3G iPad (which is what I'm using) has a separate GPS arial.

Also explains several other issues regarding software problems etc...

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Old 21 May 2016, 08:55   #32
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We tend to do fair weather boating in familiar places so the £500+ plotter idea was a bit expensive for our needs so we bought a nexus tablet off Ebay, navionics, tilting tablet holder from maplin which is designed to clamp on a music stand, power from 12v socket and an overboard waterproof cover if needed. Total around £130. Can also Bluetooth Spotify tunes and has wifi when needed. Also has a camera and everything else a tablet does but we limit it to music, nav and a few kids games.

Pros are cost advantage, music integration, portability, tilts out of sunlight, easy to review tracks and plan routes anywhere with it, and navionics shows all features we need, including full zoom.

Cons are android navionics not as good as iPad version, can be tricky to pinch zoom when underway at speed, and it does need to be plugged into charge most of the time.

Despite my initial reservations it has never come out the holder, always can read screen and as it is protected by a sloping windscreen it has never got wet. So for us it has been fine and a very convenient solution.
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Old 21 May 2016, 09:43   #33
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In an open boat, without shade, are the maps still readable in sunlight?
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Old 21 May 2016, 09:58   #34
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No trouble reading ours. It is in a near vertical plane, but can tilt if needed.
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Old 21 May 2016, 19:52   #35
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Monkey - I use Navionics. It really is great intuitive and easy to use software. Works brilliantly on the iPad. I used to have a Nexus 7 which was OK, put the iPad is much better. Much better battery life.
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Old 26 May 2016, 12:19   #36
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Navionics Satellite Map

Anyone know if the Sat Map can be downloaded for offline use on the Navionics HD App or does it need a continuous 3g mobile signal to display the Sat Map? Using Android.
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Old 26 May 2016, 17:58   #37
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I am trying the iPad version at the moment - got the UK and Holland maps for 14 days - it allows you to download an area of the map and permanently store on the iPad. This was the Navionics+ version.
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Old 26 May 2016, 22:08   #38
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Found out from Navionics the Satellite Map cannot be downloaded, it requires a cellular or wifi connection.
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Old 27 May 2016, 09:03   #39
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I'm looking into the Navionics / iPad option - seems to make sense form a cost/use perspective (i.e. I already have an iPad).

There are several options around depth/sonar capability - wifi enabled;
Wi-Fish from Raymarine
SonarPhone T-BOX by Vexilar

Has anyone tried either of these options and can offer feedback?
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Old 27 May 2016, 10:41   #40
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Looking into the wi-fish it may make since to go for the dragon fly pro?

Trying my iPad out next week hopefully
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