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Old 27 May 2016, 14:00   #41
Country: UK - England
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The Dragonfly Pros look very nice, but pricey with Navionics+ £500 for the Pro 5 with Nav+

The Wi-Fish and Sonarphone are around $200 each

I guess the Pros will be the best, but not sure they are worth the extra for a short UK boating season
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Old 30 May 2016, 11:47   #42
Country: UK - England
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At the coast and fired up the Navionics app and it fixed my position straight away using a 3G iPad without sim.

The zoom is about 12-15mm on the screen to 62 feet in real life.

The digital yacht app is designed for a wireless unit which is about £330

Can make my phone into a wireless hotspot and connect the iPad to the net ok.
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Old 13 June 2016, 12:24   #43
Country: UK - England
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I have a Wi-Fish on order (US are running a special offer $149 plus tax), so I am preparing to purchase the iPad Navionics maps for central & West Europe (includes south costs where I am likely to launch plus the bits of EU I visit).

I am confused about the right mix of maps and Navionics+ to purchase.

I download the Navionics Boating HD Marine & Lakes (free) cost to add central & west Europe is £42.99. Navionics is £20.99 (this is an annual sub) which does not have to be renewed.

Is this the most cost effective way to get west europe plus south cost UK?
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Old 13 June 2016, 12:41   #44
Country: UK - England
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hmm, think I may have misinterpreted the in-app purchases. I think the £42.99 for Central & West Europe includes the first years Navionics+ and the £20.99 is the renewal cost.
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Old 13 June 2016, 13:07   #45
Country: UK - England
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If I remember correctly when I purchased Navionics at the beginning of the year it was £40 odd.

My new rib already had the iPad mount and a T-Box with battery which is about 199 dollars, it works via wifi and displays the sonar on Navionics as a split screen.

I used it this weekend without any problems however you do have to connect to the wifi on the T-Box it seems every time you use the boat so it's not just jump in and switch it on.

The other thing I found was the iPad locked the screen after a while which was annoying but I'm sure you and sort this in settings?

The transducer is fitted in the bilge in a linseed oil filled chamber.

As expected the iPad was easy to view because of its size but not easy to see the screen because of the sunlight reflections. Need to investigate anti glare screen protectors/sunglasses...

The transducer picked up the depth fine at 30knots where my Raymarine doesn't prob due to where it's fitted.

The overall package is quite cool. The iPad got a soaking all weekend without any problems, however I did find that I kept on having to remove it and lock it away every time we left the boat on a public pontoon.

The T-Box also works with its own app called sonar phone which you can download for free and run the demo. I feel the Raymarine wifish will be much better although I don't think you can use it as a split screen with Navionics? However as its an app they could update that at anytime but I doubt it as Navionics is selling the T-Box. Overall I missed the dragon fly 7 screen and sonar display.

For me I'm going to fit my dragonfly 7 on both my ribs and use the iPad as back up.

I also saw the dragonfly pro 7 at the weekend and I wish I had that one instead of my 7 as the pro is wifi....

I'm still going to incorporate the iPad into my cabin rib build
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Old 13 June 2016, 13:37   #46
Country: UK - England
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I guess the dedicated plotter, providing it is a good one, will be better than a general purpose device like an iPad - particularly with dealing with direct sunlight.

I didn't realise the Wi-Fish does not provide split screen sonar/chart - it does provide CHIRP down vision in split screen. Hopefully - as you say - a software update will introduce later.

You can suppress the lock screen; Menu / Settings / Auto-Lock

Please update this thread if you find an effective way to reduce glare
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Old 13 June 2016, 14:48   #47
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I'm not actually 100% sure, I can download the wifish app tonight to see if it links to Navionics.

The website mentions the pro but not the wifish?

Hope it does work.
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Old 13 June 2016, 15:37   #48
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by whisper View Post
I'm not actually 100% sure, I can download the wifish app tonight to see if it links to Navionics.

The website mentions the pro but not the wifish?

WiFish - Black box wi-fi CHIRP DownVision sonar module | Raymarine

Hope it does work.

The text next to this image indicates that this view is available with Dragonfly Pro and Wi-Fish so the split screen view is already built into the Navionics app?
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Old 15 June 2016, 16:14   #49
Country: UK - England
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Yes it does work. This is a link from the Navionics site
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