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Old 03 April 2012, 19:43   #1
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ITT Cannon - Sure Seal connectors

Bit of a long shot..... I have ordered some of the ITT Cannon Sure Seal IP67 connectors to interface with some existing on a control unit..... All from Farnell.....

The pins and sockets are meant to be crimoed on with a special tool, but having taken an old one apart am not worried about that as they look simple enough to crimp /solder up without (the tool is serious money and I only need to do about 10 pin /sockets total)....

But, there is an insertion tool (Finbarr Saunders would have a filed day ) which is required to push teh pins etc into the rubber housing.... here it is CITG-SS-1 - ITT CANNON - INSERTION TOOL | Farnell United Kingdom

I'm not going to pay £140 for a few quids worth of pins etc, so can anyone advise if it is really required /is there an alternative (other than wait til they turn up and try to stuff them in) OR does anyone have a tool I could borrow for Beer tokens?

Not sure if anyone knows the system, but any advice appreciated
Dan Worth

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Old 03 April 2012, 19:50   #2
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Originally Posted by Razorbill RIBs View Post
Bit of a long shot..... I have ordered some of the ITT Cannon Sure Seal IP67 connectors to interface with some existing on a control unit..... All from Farnell.....

The pins and sockets are meant to be crimoed on with a special tool, but having taken an old one apart am not worried about that as they look simple enough to crimp /solder up without (the tool is serious money and I only need to do about 10 pin /sockets total)....

But, there is an insertion tool (Finbarr Saunders would have a filed day ) which is required to push teh pins etc into the rubber housing.... here it is CITG-SS-1 - ITT CANNON - INSERTION TOOL | Farnell United Kingdom

I'm not going to pay £140 for a few quids worth of pins etc, so can anyone advise if it is really required /is there an alternative (other than wait til they turn up and try to stuff them in) OR does anyone have a tool I could borrow for Beer tokens?

Not sure if anyone knows the system, but any advice appreciated

find your local snap on or mac tools dealer they do a connector tool set 30-40 quid
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Old 04 April 2012, 15:03   #3
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Not sure if your contacts and connectors are the same, but when I used to build military avionics, we used ITT connectors (big round 10 to 50 contact thingies.) Usually, inserting could be done by hand, with anything that would push the contact in past the metal retaining collar (basically a SS C-ring that sits in a groove in the pin.) Getting them back out definitely required an extraction tool. An insertion tool made things easier, but was not absolutely necessary.

Be careful crimping; distorting the barrel too much will inhibit the fit of the pin into the connector shell.

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Old 05 April 2012, 07:19   #4
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Wurth do a totally different system that doesn't require special tools.
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
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Old 05 April 2012, 07:31   #5
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You don't need that tool, just use a small flat screw driver, warm the rubber housing a little with a hot air gun to soften the rubber and be careful not to push to far. I back fill the plug with hot-glue and cover with heat-shrink sleeve, the sleeve pushes all the glue into any voids as it shrinks.
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Old 05 April 2012, 09:07   #6
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Originally Posted by Boatintercoms View Post
You don't need that tool, just use a small flat screw driver, warm the rubber housing a little with a hot air gun to soften the rubber and be careful not to push to far. I back fill the plug with hot-glue and cover with heat-shrink sleeve, the sleeve pushes all the glue into any voids as it shrinks.
What he said.

Even here at work we have some old legacy products to support that don’t warrant purchasing tools that have broken or got lost, so we have a couple of ladies on our shop floor with very dextrous but strong fingers who basically do what’s outlined above. Although they use a bit of thin silver steel ground to a flat on the end instead of a screwdriver.

As has also been said though, make sure you get it right first time, as there is little chance of removing them without the correct tool.

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Old 05 April 2012, 20:13   #7
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Thanks all,

the postman is yet to bring them, but reassured to hear that the special tool isn't required....

Thanks for the suggestions re other systems, but we are stuck with the ITT Cannon kit. The bit I don't like is that the male and female plug /socket don't lock together mechanically in any way (much prefer the Bulgin Bucaneer type system) which is a PITA when they are beneath the rear deck...... i'll probably wrap the made joints with some self amalagamting tape to make sure they don't part company.....

Thanks again...
Dan Worth

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