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Old 03 July 2017, 18:16   #1
Country: UK - England
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Jump Starter pack

Hi All,

I was out on the boat on Saturday and had a minor moment of panic when I tried to restart the engine after our break for lunch. It turned over but didnt start. I turned off VHF and Plotter/Sounder and tried again and it started straight away. Thankfully no need to panic, however it got me thinking about what I would do if it just didnt start. I was in the Solent and in Osborne Bay so plenty of other boats about who may have been able to help, but what if I was in the west of Ireland. Not a place you want this to happen. So I have been looking today for a Jump Starter pack - I dont want a big one, but a small compact one that I can keep always charged and bring with me on each trip so that If anything happens I have a chance of restarting the engine.

I found these (the same ones are for sale on ebay in the UK) they suggest they are fine for starting OB motors.

Have any of you any experience of this?

Have you tried these? do they work? I have a 100HP 4 stroke Suzuki (2009) how big a power unit to I need to ensure I can start the engine and ideally get a few starts out of it.

Thanks in advance as always

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Old 03 July 2017, 18:28   #2
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1. Yes you can jump start an outboard.
2. I have never used one of these modern Li ion ones. They probably work, and are obviously easier to store. A 100 HP o/board should be no harder to start than a family car.
3. Was there really just too much battery drain from the electrics? I'd do some digging for other possible faults (unless it was my classic not connecting the kill cord!).
4. You can probably start your engine with a rope (in the tool kit that came with it). I've seen a 90HP done and it was not as hard as you expect, although it was a bit of a faff removing covers etc to get to the right parts.
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Old 03 July 2017, 18:31   #3
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I had a duff battery luckily down at the farm where I kept the boat went to start but dead Bruce the farmer had a jump starter started it straight away 90 hp Suzuki great bit of kit
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Old 03 July 2017, 19:55   #4
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Poly, that was superhelpful.

Found a couple of really helpful youtube videos showing how this is done:


I might actually try this one day to ensure I would know what to do just for peace of mind.

Think I will still buy one of the battery packs as it is one thing to do this on a boat in flat calm and another if the boat is pitching about in waves and drifting :-)

Thanks J
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Old 03 July 2017, 20:18   #5
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We did a bit of fishing in Scotland last year and the idea of the engine not restarting gave me the jitters. I turned the batteries off to avoid any chance of some random current drain.

A starter pack does sound a good idea but it is reliant on a) it being charged and b) it being with you.
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Old 03 July 2017, 20:36   #6
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I've had same thought, but it is something else to carry, and keep charged up

My battery problems have always been when originally starting (or not) through being drained betwenn trips - eg the bilge pump left on auto. Never has aproblem with the battery not charging once the engine is running.

If you're going to carry a jump pack why not fit /carry a spare battery?
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Old 03 July 2017, 20:40   #7
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Originally Posted by GuyC View Post
We did a bit of fishing in Scotland last year and the idea of the engine not restarting gave me the jitters. I turned the batteries off to avoid any chance of some random current drain.

A starter pack does sound a good idea but it is reliant on a) it being charged and b) it being with you.
It has to be charged but last a fair while carry it with you have a look on machine mart for specs
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Old 03 July 2017, 21:10   #8
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thing to remember is if you don't use them they go off ie I use a 700 amp booster pack at work a lot and its never a bother starts anything. my pall bought a 100 amp cheepo booster pack kept it on charge but never used it for over six months and when he needed it it wouldn't spin a 1.0 Toyota yaris over for more than 30 seconds before slowing down .I think they need regular exercise or they give up .by the way I always take mine out with me under the bench seat just in case but iv never had to use it
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Old 03 July 2017, 21:22   #9
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I will go with one of these

Can charge iphone/USB devices. Also acts as a torch.

Charge at start of season and it says it lasts for 4-6 months. This means I can put it in my emergency box of spares etc on the boat and just leave it there and charge it up again for next year etc. At least it will be a second line of defense. Handy that it can charge other things too. Thanks for all your help

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Old 03 July 2017, 21:27   #10
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I purchased one of these for when the car gets left without use for a while. Has been great. Haven't noticed any loss in charge over time.
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Old 04 July 2017, 05:41   #11
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Bakth Car Power Mini Multi-Function Jump Starter | Best jump starter pack 2015 | Auto Express
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