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Old 25 June 2018, 16:52   #1
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Latest batch of Chinese kill switches.

My latest batch of kill switches (direct from China) are real junk, the other ones weren't great but this batch fall apart, they look the same as the others but these junk ones have a white top under the rubber cap, i can't fit these for customers one has already come back! if you can try to find the other version. . . The ones that have the spade connectors, their shorter so easier to fit and I snap off the 2 connectors not needed.



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Old 25 June 2018, 23:12   #2
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Originally Posted by Lee1 View Post
My latest batch of kill switches (direct from China)are real junk, the other ones weren't great but this batch fall apart, they look the same as the others but these junk ones have a white top under the rubber cap, i can't fit these for customers one has already come back! if you can try to find the other version. . . The ones that have the spade connectors, their shorter so easier to fit and I snap off the 2 connectors not needed.
If the latest batch are junk & the ones you had before 'weren't great' I don't quite get why are you fitting them at all?
As you appear to be fitting them as part of a business - presumably you have public liability insurance - where would you stand legally if one you supplied & fitted failed & injury/damage occurred as a result?
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Old 25 June 2018, 23:54   #3
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Whats wrong with them? Its just you posted a picture of what look like OK switches... I've never known the colour of the plastic affect the switching ability of the switch...

But then a picture of some spade connectors that look jammed into the space, with a nut on the inside of the case? The integrated wire would fit far easier...?

You snap off 2 unwanted connectors? Why 2? Why snap off at all? And you wonder why the switches fail
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Old 26 June 2018, 00:39   #4
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Latest batch of Chinese kill switches.

If I snapped off all 4 spade connectors how would the switch be connected to the wires? Your joking right lol

I thought I explained it ok, if not. . . . . There are two types of pattern kill switches, one has 4 spade connectors which you then have to connect your own wires to (that you have connect female spade connectors to beforehand) it, the other has no spade connectors and has 2 wires coming out of it, one has a male bullet the other an earth eye, these connectors are used as they plug and connect straight into Tohatsu, Mercury mariner Yamaha and Johnson existing wiring, and they are often sold as those makes so many many have fitted them or brought an engine with them already fitted thinking they are original switches lol.

I fitted it with one of the nuts behind as other wise it will not lock up as the case it's fitted to is thin and the thread doesn't run all the way up the switch and also so I don't have an extra inch of switch sticking out to get knocked. You only need two of the spade connectors to use that type of switch in a ground trip circuit not all four, and I snap them off to prevent any water, fuel etc in the lower until using them to arch over the other terminals, The new batch of non spade type terminal switches are not the same quality as the ones over the last years, they look the same but are not as good, and why do I fit them! Because customers won't pay £39.99 for a proper one when they see them on eBay for £7.50 I do what my customers ask, if they ask for cost to be kept as low as possible? They can opt for. . cheap copy impeller or original? New spark plugs or clean and re-gap the ones in there, flush out fuel filter or replace it, synthetic 4 stroke oil or non synthetic oil, Marine gear oil or SA5 automotive gear oil, original manufacturer carb jets or eBay ones, new CDI unit, a pattern one or used one? How much do you want to spend on this service the choice is yours, unlike others places I give them the choice, kinda like do you buy Goodyear tyres or budget ones.

I guess If i had a claim against me for a faulty switch my insurers would pursue eBay or the supplier of the faulty unit to recover the loss, when my insurance sais do you want added legal protection I say oh yes please, the switches are a pattern part just like 90% of all other parts brought on line and sold by motor spares shops and also Marine companies for outboards, cars etc. . I wonder how many insurance claims are made against garages fitting pattern wiper blades and bulbs that resulted in a car crash due to poor visibility. I've never yet had someone bring me an outboard fitted with the pattern kill switch requesting it be replaced with a genuine one! Over half the used outboards sold and especially the big lumps on bigger boats have them in place of the original stop switch that was not a kill cord type anyway lol

Spade terminal version: good.

Non spade type version with a black end that's concealed under the red grommet: good, (I didn't include one in the pic but it's exactly the same as the one pictured with the white end)

Non spade type version with the white end (pictured next to the spade connector version with its red grommet removed: NOT Good.

If you buy one buy another for a spare, Also wire them in with quick disconnect in line connectors so it can be replaced easily with your spare one and wire your spare one with identical connectors so if it needs to be replaced it will plug straight in fast without tools you can usually remove the switches by hand as the nuts are plastic, worst way without any tools just snap it off from behind and pop in the replacement.

People will never stop buying these, look at the past sellers sales always 100's sold.

Hope this thread was informative to the guys out their who do their own engine repairs and to anyone who comes across a faulty pattern kill switch

Use and fit at your own risk I will except no responsibility of you using or fitting a pattern kill switch.
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Old 26 June 2018, 01:44   #5
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Latest batch of Chinese kill switches.

. . . . . . Almost all the fittings of these switches by me and others are to swap out the existing NON kill cord type off switch (off push button) Very rarely do the original fitted kill switches fitted to engines when manufactured fail, so fitting these to outboards as an upgrade to the original non kill switch is a good idea because everyone should have a kill cord right, I certainly want a kill switch SIBing with my 20hp Mercury Thunderbolt that wasn't made with one, my sib could end up hitting the beach at 30mph without me in it without one!
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Old 26 June 2018, 07:16   #6
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Originally Posted by paintman View Post
If the latest batch are junk & the ones you had before 'weren't great' I don't quite get why are you fitting them at all?
As you appear to be fitting them as part of a business - presumably you have public liability insurance - where would you stand legally if one you supplied & fitted failed & injury/damage occurred as a result?

I’d suggest you need to educate your customers and maybe even yourself – putting sh*t quality Chinese switches in a safety critical application isn't that clever and potentially down right dangerous. For the sake of a few quid – get it right
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Old 26 June 2018, 07:33   #7
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Originally Posted by Lee1 View Post
If I snapped off all 4 spade connectors how would the switch be connected to the wires? Your joking right lol
I mean are the two unused connectors not actually a single connector? But I also mean - why are you snapping things off? Why not just leave them unused?

the other has no spade connectors and has 2 wires coming out of it, one has a male bullet the other an earth eye,
yip - so enlighten me... Why wouldn't I want that one? Looks more reliable to me!

I fitted it with one of the nuts behind as other wise it will not lock up as the case it's fitted to is thin and the thread doesn't run all the way up the switch
my £3 one with the tails attached must have threads all the way up as it's only on 1.6mm plate.

I snap them off to prevent any water, fuel etc in the lower until using them to arch over the other terminals,
I'm 99% sure they are connected internally so impossible to short! Even if one is live and the other is switched - what would a short do?

If you are worried about a spark... You have more to worry about than that if you are arching that gap!!

The new batch of non spade type terminal switches are not the same quality as the ones over the last years, they look the same but are not as good, and why do I fit them!
If I go to my car dealer and he says you can have these cheap copy wipers. They look the same but they aren't as good... I think... You mean you don't make as much profit. If he says "we tried the cheap ones. The last 3 month instead of 3 years. Or we tried them and 2 customers had damaged windscreens" I might be willing to listen.

If my marine engineer says I tried these cheap switches and they have a habit of failure while underway and the engine just stops and you can't restart it without shorting the switch off... I'm going to trust him. If he says 'cheap Chinese tat' I'm going to think - same Chinese tat but with bigger price tag and logo on the box. Or even I bet he fits the tat and charges me for the posh one.

kinda like do you buy Goodyear tyres or budget ones.
Except I know the Goodyear likely last longer and perform better in the wet. But I don't expect the tyre fitter to be snapping bits off the budget tyre.

I guess If i had a claim against me for a faulty switch my insurers would pursue eBay or the supplier of the faulty unit to recover the loss,
You guess?
What loss? The £3.99 for the switch? Or the £3m for the amputation and death?
The Chinese company if they were even to entertain you will start by saying "someone snapped off these connections, they damaged the switch doing that"

The lawyers will then hunt down your post here and say "you had concerns about the quality of these imported parts, but you still chose to fit them ... Why? Was it to make a quick buck? What quality checks did you perform on the switch? Was that before or after you hacked the terminals off it?"

Hope that friend of your who gives you your legal advice is better than he sounds.

Manslaughter Gross Negligence.

. I've never yet had someone bring me an outboard fitted with the pattern kill switch requesting it be replaced with a genuine one! Over half the used outboards sold and especially the big lumps on bigger boats have them in place of the original stop switch that was not a kill cord type anyway
??it's close to the easiest thing to fit. So if they are coming to you chances are they don't know there might be a difference. (Is there actually a difference!)

"Half the big lumps"... Have what? A manufacturer original stop switch? Really? How big is a big lump? Coz most big lumps I see have remote steering and a KC on the console.

Use and fit at your own risk I will except no responsibility of you using or fitting a pattern kill switch.
Well I was just thinking. Might fit one of these sh*t switches you suggest and then if I fall out the boat and it fails I will get the lawyers out. So thanks for the disclaimer...
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Old 26 June 2018, 07:46   #8
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Originally Posted by Lee1 View Post
and I snap them off to prevent any water, fuel etc in the lower until using them to arch over the other terminals,
what happens when you snap off the connector? Does it suddenly become waterproof?

£7.50 I do what my customers ask, if they ask for cost to be kept as low as possible?
they are coming to you because they don’t know any better, you owe it to them, or their loved ones, or the person on the beach to fit a decent part properly.

. . I wonder how many insurance claims are made against garages fitting pattern wiper blades and bulbs that resulted in a car crash due to poor visibility.
i think dodgy handbrake cables would be a better analogy

! Over half the used outboards sold and especially the big lumps on bigger boats have them in place of the original stop switch that was not a kill cord type anyway lol
do you occupy some sort of weird world where everyone is using 1970/80s motors? Perhaps you need to move up market a bit where people won’t mind spending a few more quid on parts and good servicing.


Hope this thread was informative to the guys out their who do their own engine repairs and to anyone who comes across a faulty pattern kill switch .

Almost without exception those who do their own servicing in here do so because they want a decent quality job, or don’t trust so called professionals not to screw up - they need no advice about buying decent parts.

Ps you might want to learn the difference between pattern parts and generic parts.
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Old 26 June 2018, 08:00   #9
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I think it's very poor you are fitting these at all, youve admitted they are shite, if customers don't want to pay for decent kill cord switches then you should refuse to fit rubbish, someones life may be at risk after all. Just because a customer doesn't want to pay doesn't mean you are absolved from responsibility. You are now completely screwed because if any customer has an incident and someone is hurt as a result of a failure of one of these switches that you know are shite then you may be paying out for the rest of your life in compensation claims. very dumb !
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Old 26 June 2018, 09:45   #10
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@lee1's posts are my favourites on here at the moment - so informative and entertaining...
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Old 26 June 2018, 19:09   #11
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I don't know who the OP is or where his business is....... and that is my and should be others' concern too.

Knowing what I now know I would not allow this business to ever be trusted with any of my equipment. Trouble is I may never know if it is...
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Old 26 June 2018, 19:12   #12
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Originally Posted by RJH View Post
I don't know who the OP is or where his business is....... and that is my and should be others' concern too.

Knowing what I now know I would not allow this business to ever be trusted with any of my equipment. Trouble is I may never know if it is...

I think it would soon become apparent after 5 mins in his company [emoji57]
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4:Don't feed the troll
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Old 26 June 2018, 19:57   #13
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Everything seems to be Looooong winded with lee1[emoji6]
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Old 26 June 2018, 21:16   #14
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I'm amazed that someone comes on the forum to say that the products that they are selling are junk. Is there really a market for these or are they sold to unsuspecting customers at a significant mark up?
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Old 27 June 2018, 14:12   #15
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Lee1 seems to have disappeared, maybe he's busy trying to fix naff switch's..........
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Old 27 June 2018, 14:42   #16
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Latest batch of Chinese kill switches.

Or maybe he got the hint to stop talking nonsense [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
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Old 27 June 2018, 21:40   #17
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Latest batch of Chinese kill switches.

No lee1 has not disappeared, thing is I have many regular customers coming back and back and recommending friends because I am straight up with them, I give them copies of my invoices for their parts, unlike many other service and repair places I do not put money on their parts, for my profit, I charge only for my labour, if they want original parts or pattern parts that's up to them, at least they know if they have patent parts fitted lol i doubt so many of you really would avoid me because I posted up the truth about the Chinese switches, whose now had a look at their engines to see if they have had one fitted or brought a engine with one in lol, better check your impellers as well to check that's an original!
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Old 27 June 2018, 21:48   #18
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Latest batch of Chinese kill switches.

Originally Posted by Poly View Post
what happens when you snap off the connector? Does it suddenly become waterproof?

they are coming to you because they don’t know any better, you owe it to them, or their loved ones, or the person on the beach to fit a decent part properly.

i think dodgy handbrake cables would be a better analogy

do you occupy some sort of weird world where everyone is using 1970/80s motors? Perhaps you need to move up market a bit where people won’t mind spending a few more quid on parts and good servicing.

Almost without exception those who do their own servicing in here do so because they want a decent quality job, or don’t trust so called professionals not to screw up - they need no advice about buying decent parts.

Ps you might want to learn the difference between pattern parts and generic parts.
LMFAO got nothing better to do than to comment about pulling off the unused connectors really! Well here you go. The spade connector version is shorther than the other version, often room is tight to fit them especially the one I fitted and pictured in my OWN engine and the engine space would only just take the spade version! and snapping off the un needed connectors makes getting them in a tight spot and moving in to position easy, and why leave the connectors on to rust away! oh before someone says put a blank connectors on the terminals. . . That would make getting it in a tight spot even harder wouldn't it. Do you all leave your zip tie tails on lol

The wire version IS sold as a pattern part as was copied from the real version, I guess many many have brought them thinking they are original. Better check your Yamaha's especially lol nearly all gone on this listing as well! Do be careful those concerned as they are listed by uk amazing and eBay sellers for £29.99 with various types of pictures.

Done some glue work on a very expensive refurbished rib over the weekend and one was fitted at the new custom controls the owner had fitted himself lol you can tell them as the cord goes all saggy and don't spring back after time and the rubber grommet cover is a brighter red than the originals.

What's your problem people, are some of you screwing because some of you now know you have them fitted!

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Old 27 June 2018, 22:07   #19
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Latest batch of Chinese kill switches.

And almost identical to a genuine Yamaha (not just Yamaha outboards,) same switch fitted to all the other makes, Yamaha didn't make them, I guess who ever makes the genuine ones had their product copied when they took it to China for more productions just like everything else copied there. So all with the big mouth comments, jog on!

Ummmmm. . . is that really a Yamaha one below sold in the UK for £40 or maybe they come in copy packets as well now,
So hard to tell from photos lol

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Old 27 June 2018, 22:53   #20
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Latest batch of Chinese kill switches.

FIRST off I said in my first post I CANT first these because they are junk so I won't be fitting them for people and I will be checking any that customers bring with them, the original versions were FINE and I dug out a past version (spade type) for my own fecking use RIGHT, should of kept my mouth shut, not posted and listen to the coming pan pans over the next few seasons lol I tell ya what anyone wants to get personal with me, message me yeah.
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