Anyone have this beastie and can tell me it's size?
simply because the issue of this "chart" I have on my plotter doesn't show the likes of Loch Lomond etc.
I have just been perusing the Navonics site, asnd the latest edition seems to show pretty much all the places I go with the Rib that are a nice shade of browny yellow on my current chart.
If you have a relatively new copy, could you tell me how big the SD card / file(s) is(are)? Simply because my ageing plotter can only hack 2Gig of an SD card and there's not a huge amount of space on my current card.... It would be daft to spend the cash to find it's not going to talk to the machine!
...and if I want to upgrade the chart to the new "Navonics+" to show Lomond etc I'm going to have to do it soon whilwe someone still has the Gold series in stock or I'm looking at a new plotter to run the new type of charts on!