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Old 25 June 2004, 20:40   #1
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Layout of instruments on console

Any advice on layout? Thinking of the two smartcraft gauges, compass, radio, chartplotter, depth gauge. Helm is on right, throttle is central.

Still thinking of Lowrance but have moved from the idea of neccessarily a combo fishfinder to the 6000C (6.4" 640x480; £1039inc) plotter (and a conventional (? Navman3100 Depth System £179inc) single number display depth gauge). However, the new Navman Trackfish (7" 5800x400) at £1349inc still looks competitive?

On radio torn between the big Icom DSC 601 (£539inc) or latest Navman DSC (£175inc)!!!!

Any advice appreciated on kit and its layout on the console.


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Old 25 June 2004, 20:45   #2
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While you're waiting to hear current opinions, have a read of this:


Edit: have a look here too:
Scorpion RIB Group on Facebook
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Old 25 June 2004, 21:32   #3
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Bruce, you should check the power output of any echo sounder you intend to buy. Lowrances tend to be something like 4000w of peak power. In practise thats lots. Seem to think my Garmin on the other hand is 500w. So guess which gives the better picture the point the Garmin sounder isn't connected (only the GPS) at the moment but I would not be without the Lowrance.

Don't ask me what the differnece is between RMS and peek power, I don't know. what I do know is 4000w is lots and it shows when you use it.

Two other things you need to check, are they water proof ? and does it have BIG LETTERS to make it easy to read as speed.


since there are 700 revs on the rev counter according to Boatmad I must be doing at least 40 mph !
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Old 25 June 2004, 22:08   #4
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Originally Posted by Pete7
differnece is between RMS and peek power...
RMS is roughly 2/3 peak. Not very mathemetical, but a very rough guide.

Note for mathematicians - yes, I know it depends on what wave form... put the anorak back on the peg!!!
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Old 25 June 2004, 22:10   #5
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Originally Posted by Pete7
Don't ask me what the differnece is between RMS and peek power, I don't know. what I do know is 4000w is lots and it shows when you use it.
So assuming the Lowrance is 4000 watts peak power, then it is pretty good in comparison to the garmin!

Anyone know why it is such a difference - the price must be relatively similar ?

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Old 25 June 2004, 22:15   #6
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Originally Posted by Matt Riley
pretty good in comparison!
Yep makes your fingers tingle when you touch it.
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Old 25 June 2004, 22:18   #7
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Decide what you want and when the order is in and the console is fabricated Kevin will sit you down with a marker pen and cardboard cut outs and plan it all out with you, its something you can think about but in reality it will all change once you see how it fits the console.

I was going to have a centre mount throttle and bracket mount my chartplotter/ff combi in the middle of the console. When the raymarine arrived it was quite obvious it's just too big to carry around with you so i flush mounted it.

Throttle: Are you sure about the centre mount. Because of the shape of the console and the verticle face at the top of the console if the throttle were put in a nice place you wouldnt get flat out because it would hit the dash before it reached flat out. So you may have to mount it low down in a horrible position. I wanted a centre mount, changed my mind because of:
a) No neutral lock on the mercruiser centre mount
b) No trailer button, though this is not needed on an outboard anyway.

If you go seperate chart and f/f you will be very pushed for space and it may be impossible to fit in a centre mount throttle.
If you go for the combi it will have to be a long way over towards the passenger because of the throttle in the middle.
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Old 25 June 2004, 22:28   #8
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This is about the best picture of the console i can find.
You can see with the plotter flush mounted there is no room for a centre mount throttle unless you moved the grabrail infront of the passenger and move the plotter over so it is nearly infront of the passenger. Something i would'nt consider doing.

If it was bracket mounted space wouldn't be a problem but its a huge lump to carry around and is more exposed to the elements.
So: On my console, side mount throttle, plotter dead central, radio infront of passenger, instruments dead central, switch's kill cord key etc on the right of the helm.
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Old 26 June 2004, 01:23   #9
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Are you getting a compass? If you are I would definitely flush mount(reduces vibration!) this dead centre of the helmsman's viewpoint. It can be tricky to read when you are looking at it from an angle. Also get the optimax gauges mounted where you can easily view them and adjust the different displays. I think you'll find that these will be the gauges you use the most.

Have a look at this link and try out the Lowrance you want before you buy it!!

Another quick word about sounders, I have to agree with Pete7. Lowrance sounders are unbeatable when it comes to high speed readings and an accurate sonar picture IMHO. You may not need to buy a separate fishfinder/sonar. With all Lowrances you can choose what info you want displayed on any screen and what size you want the info displayed at. I find that having my GPS speed and Depth displayed in large numbers over the map screen gives me all the vital info I need. Check out the demo, to see what I'm on about.

The LCX-19C Emulator is the one you should be looking at based on your resolution of 640 x 480
Steve G
If In Doubt, Go Flat Out!!
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Old 26 June 2004, 08:40   #10
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Originally Posted by simmons0
I was going to have a centre mount throttle and bracket mount my chartplotter/ff combi in the middle of the console.

When the raymarine arrived it was quite obvious it's just too big to carry around with you so i flush mounted it.
Which model of Raymararine do you have? how big is it on the console?

Originally Posted by simmons0
Throttle: Are you sure about the centre mount. Because of the shape of the console and the verticle face at the top of the console if the throttle were put in a nice place you wouldnt get flat out because it would hit the dash before it reached flat out. So you may have to mount it low down in a horrible position. I wanted a centre mount, changed my mind because of:
a) No neutral lock on the mercruiser centre mount
b) No trailer button, though this is not needed on an outboard anyway.
I will look at this more carefully. I do not quite understand what you mean by the vertical face at the top of the console. I do not mind about the neutral lock missing - we did not miss that on the Scorpion we hired. But having to put mount it low down would be bad, I agree. However, we both like LH throttles at speed.....

Originally Posted by simmons0
If you go seperate chart and f/f you will be very pushed for space and it may be impossible to fit in a centre mount throttle.
If you go for the combi it will have to be a long way over towards the passenger because of the throttle in the middle.
I intended just to have a depth gauge mounted next to the two smartcraft gauges on their left above the steering wheel, with the compass directly in front of me so no parrallax.

The radio would be mounted on the extreme left in front of the passenger, with the Lowmarine plotter to its right. Or the radio gets mounted to the left and below the Lowmarine

Both helmsman and navigator would be able to see depth guage and chartplotter.

What do you think?
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Old 26 June 2004, 08:51   #11
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Stupid Question

Just why do I need a fishfinder rather than a simple dial which tells me my depth - I do not intend to go fishing or diving......

Seriuosly, what does the display of the sea bed REALLY add.
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Old 26 June 2004, 09:18   #12
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And what if JAWS is down there, Bruce....fancying a bit of RIB??????

Seriously I find it helpful to go along to the biggest chandlers I can find (Port Solent for us) and look at the jackets while Paul discusses the niceties of electronics equipment with the sales people.

Then Paul summarises stuff for me and he can make a better-informed decision about whether we need something or not.

And I benefit to the tune of a new pink fleece.

(When are you coming down to chase up Lee?)
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 26 June 2004, 09:58   #13
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Bruce, you PMed me looking for a pic but I seem to have lost your e-mail address so I'll just post it here. i know your e-mail is on your profile but it won't allow me to send attachments.

The plotter is a Lowrance LMS-320.
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Steve G
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Old 26 June 2004, 10:11   #14
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Maybe you should have a look at these for depth.
Steve G
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Old 26 June 2004, 11:03   #15
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Here's a better picture Bruce.
Have a look, the helm, plotter and radio are mounted on the angled face of the console.
Above that there is a verticle face with all the gauges mounted on it.
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Old 26 June 2004, 13:09   #16
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thanks for that last picture. It really helps. So the argument is that to have the throttle in the centre and able to go to full throttle it has to be mounted in an unacceptably low configuration?
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Old 26 June 2004, 13:53   #17
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Originally Posted by brucehawsker
Seriuosly, what does the display of the sea bed REALLY add.
If you are going to anchor, you'll need to know what the bottom structure is.

Passing over a rocky ledge, it's very reassuring to see a bottom picture. (Oooo..)

Actually, it's quite interesting to see what's swimming about and the various other underwater features.
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Old 26 June 2004, 14:34   #18
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Originally Posted by brucehawsker
thanks for that last picture. It really helps. So the argument is that to have the throttle in the centre and able to go to full throttle it has to be mounted in an unacceptably low configuration?

No not at all, Mercury make a great centre mounted throttle control which is way better than the standard side mount supplied with the engine. Had one on my Ribtec and its much better so had no quarms about fitting one to the Pacific.

The advantage withthe sounder is it displays depth history as it scrolls across the page so you get to see how shallow its getting before you run aground. And as JW says gives a good idea of the bottom and whats down there.

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Old 26 June 2004, 15:02   #19
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Originally Posted by Pete7
No not at all, Mercury make a great centre mounted throttle control which is way better than the standard side mount supplied with the engine. Had one on my Ribtec and its much better so had no quarms about fitting one to the Pacific.

The advantage withthe sounder is it displays depth history as it scrolls across the page so you get to see how shallow its getting before you run aground. And as JW says gives a good idea of the bottom and whats down there.


This is a photo of my console with the Mercury centre mounted throttle control. I now have a Raymarine fishfinder fitted between the compass and the Raychart 435i. This GPS is just perfect and have also got the Navionics electronic chart of the English Channel. This is a must if you want to do serious cruising.
The battery switch which is visible is no longer there as it has been replaced by a dual battery switch and is lnow ocated inside the console

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Old 26 June 2004, 15:34   #20
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I think the issue is that Andre's console has a flat slanting face so no problem with the left hand Mercury throttle. The problem is that the Solent appears to have a slanting face with a more vertical dial panel at the top. Thus the left handle throttle will not be able to go to full becasue your hand hits the more vertical dial panel. Thus the throttle would have to be mounted unaceptably low.

Am I correct?
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