24 July 2009, 20:33
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Learning the VHF stuff
Using one of the "Home Study" packs to learn the required stuff to take the VHF test.
Also been listening to what is "really" said on the radio, and it appears that everyone doesn't actually stick to the rulebook.
So.. What should I learn? What you are "supposed" to say, or what is in everyday use by everyone, including QHM?
24 July 2009, 21:11
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Originally Posted by BrAinZ
So.. What should I learn? What you are "supposed" to say, or what is in everyday use by everyone, including QHM?
Well...if you're taking the test it's asking if you know what you're supposed to say.
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24 July 2009, 21:32
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Its a bit like the driving test, you learn how to drive to past the test. Not many really drive like that for long after passing.
Use of the VHF is the same but you should really use the right lingo in the right way. This should mean everyone knows what everyone else is saying even if they are from Timbuctoo. Well thats the theory anyway
24 July 2009, 21:52
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Just dont end up closing a message with "over and out" 
easily done, and yall end up getting laughed at
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
25 July 2009, 07:25
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Hi Brainz
I would study and prepare for what is in your home study pack then when you present yourself to an examiner you will not have any suprises for him/her.
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
25 July 2009, 07:31
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Originally Posted by doggypaddle
Just dont end up closing a message with "over and out" 
easily done, and yall end up getting laughed at 
"Roger Wilko, Over and out"
"Ten four big buddy, whats your twenty"
25 July 2009, 08:20
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Originally Posted by chewy
"Roger Wilko, Over and out"
"Ten four big buddy, whats your twenty"
"Rubber Ducky, we gone got us a convoy....
I've said "over" and then said I mean "out"
25 July 2009, 09:15
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dont waffle , messages are to be as brief and to the point as much as possible ,the best radio operaters are the ones that say the least ,,,the main points are how to switch it on ,,,send a mayday or how to react to one ,,, mayday relay,,panpan ,,pan medico ,,securitee ,and stick to the correct precedures ,good luck mart
25 July 2009, 10:54
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dont forget ,if you say you have been listning to other boater conversations on the vhf ,how do you know if they went for a test in the first place ,mart
25 July 2009, 15:29
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pan pan medico is no longer used although it will of course be responded to.
25 July 2009, 16:47
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Pan Pan is though ain't it?
25 July 2009, 17:08
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Pan Pan is though ain't it?
the medico bit went out about 3/4 years ago as it is no longer neccessary now that the coastguard has the ability to patch you thru to the doctor if required whereas previously it was done by the coast radio stations.
Cant see the logic of a distance learning course for radio when the rya insist that training centres have proper vhf dsc simulators so you can actually use the voice procedures and press the distress alert button for real-something one hopes never to have to do in real life. A worthwhile experience as long as it is taught by someone who actually uses radio for real in some "inclement" weather and knows from experience that when waves are spraying over the bow of an open boat and your eyes are stinging there is no way you are gonna read tiny messages on tiny screens.
25 July 2009, 23:15
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Whenj i did my VHF course I found too much time was spent teaching us all about entering silly DSC numbers and not enough about VHF procedures.
I am glad they will still listen to pan pan medico because it immediately tells them what the problem is.
25 July 2009, 23:33
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I've a gripe about radio usage, erm, no I've got two gripes, especially when used in a stressed situation; please don't put the radio close to your mouth and shout and, 2, speak slowly, deliberately and clearly. Grump over...ta.
26 July 2009, 07:42
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Originally Posted by wavelength
Cant see the logic of a distance learning course for radio when the rya insist that training centres have proper vhf dsc simulators so you can actually use the voice procedures and press the distress alert button for real-something one hopes never to have to do in real life.
I did my course this way with Ocean Training and reckon its a really good way to learn. You get sent a pack that includes a Simulator that you run on your PC which demonstrates he DSC function.
I perferred to take my time over the course and found that being able to do a bit each night over a week and having the ability to go back over any bits you are not happy with helped me to remember what I had learnt.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
26 July 2009, 08:26
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You get sent a pack that includes a Simulator that you run on your PC which demonstrates he DSC function.
we have the same simulator that we use to initially show some stuff on the big screen but as a training centre that is now deemed insufficient by the RYA and whilst I grumped about it at the beginning being able to send and receive a digital mayday on real radios in an excercise situation is an opportunity not otherwise available.
I found too much time was spent teaching us all about entering silly DSC numbers
sounds like teaching someone how to use his mobile phone and if that was the case I agree with you codders (ooh saying that hurt  )
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