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Old 09 November 2009, 18:15   #1
jambo's Avatar
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Lowrance 3500

Hi all you may remember last month I advised that my plotter was not powering down and kept on re powering itself and never went off!!
I eventually disconnected and took to the firm that had installed they were as usual very good checked it all and agreed. They contacted Lowrance UK who said oh! we dont do repairs we dont keep spares its a sealed unit best we can do is to give you a replacement recondotioned unit for £150 plus that is if we have any!! My local guys say its too much and I could bypass the power switch by putting a rocker switch on the consul and power it that way.
Has anybody done this or have any thoughts on which would be the best way of resolving my problem. Or do I bit the bullet and but new and taking Lowarance's track record here do I venture to another make?

'Carpe Diem'
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Old 09 November 2009, 18:32   #2
RIBnet admin team
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Hi Jambo.

First point - they can't fix your unit but they reconditioned someone elses? The lyin' feckers! I'd assume the recon is simply returned stock, probably very little wrong with it.

Second point - if you liked the old unit and found it handy to use, another one will do the same job and fit your console bracket or cutout (which is good )

Third point - The rocker switch will work for now (if you have a spare one) but factor cost and hassle if you don't. If the problem worsens that will negate any effort taken in that direction.

Soooo, personally, I'd take the Recon unit and fleabay the old unit with "the safely feature that prevents kids turning it off!

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