Have finalyl updated the software on my Lowrance. Took 30 seconds to do, then took a further hour & a half to put all my settings back!
Anyway, the update has an option of showing to lat / long formats on one of the map screens, but I canlt seem to find a way of getting the yellow info box that appears if you move the cursor off your current position to do so.
Reason I ask is it struck me that in a mayday shout, a position may be given in DD.DDDD or DD.MM.SS formats, and in an emergency situation, the extra couple of mins to change format through the menus in order to plot it vaguely accurately might be critical. If the cursor info box could show both, the positon could be plotted far more quickly in the scenario of my plotter showing DD.DDDD at the cursor and them shouting mins & seconds.
In the meantime I have the wee garmin set to the other format, but it is a bit of a faff to type in a position comopared to shifting the cursor on the plotter.