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Old 01 July 2004, 17:25   #21
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
We (icom) are working very hard to get a world wide pricing structure so you guys don't feel ripped off but its not easy trust me.
Mainly because of the yanks.
Hi Jon

Glad to hear you're trying there are so many things that we get ripped off on between here and the US!

On the lowrance front - the Silva people have been very helpful with a problem with our GPS unit (the screen connector failed on our 16C and as its not made any more they are giving us a 19C to replace it), even to the point of lending us a spare 16C until they get the proper unit in stock. If they are prepared to at least look at US imports that can only be a good thing!

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Old 01 July 2004, 18:32   #22
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Not at all Bruce! But if you want to wait a couple of weeks, I'll be back across the pond for 2/3weeks in a place called Shenandoah, Iowa. Right in the middle of knowhere, I belive. Could always try to help you bring something back to blighty if you like.

What do you think?

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Old 01 July 2004, 18:41   #23
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Originally Posted by thorper
Hi Jon
they are giving us a 19C to replace it), even to the point of lending us a spare 16C until they get the proper unit in stock. If they are prepared to at least look at US imports that can only be a good thing!

Hi Ricky can you let us know how you get on with the 19c. Thinking of getting this model shortly. Keen to know how easy it interfaces with the pc for route planning . I'd much prefare playing on the PC than sticking info in on the unit.

Did you get the 16c in the states or here

Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 01 July 2004, 20:33   #24
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Hi Paul

I'll let you know when it arrives - Silva are waiting for a shipment to come in.

After talking to the Silva people, the differences between the 16c we had and the 19c are:

- faster processor, so the maps draw quicker
- supports the navionics gold charts

The system is easy to use, and the screen is very readable. Andy has used the card reader software, but I havent go round to using it yet. I think its just a USB device that you plug in and then use the emulator with your charts and waypoints - should be pretty easy

We got the unit with the boat from Barnet Marine as part of the package - we did a deal with them so we got some things cheaper in exchange for them using the boat as a show boat at the london boat show.

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Old 02 July 2004, 00:13   #25
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Am seriously thinking of going the US route with a pickup by a friend.

Best supplier and prices seems to be

model UK £
19 943
104 1258
330 340

Does anyone else want to avail themselves of this route?

Also, do people think the 104 is too big for a 6.5M rib console??

Dimensions 104 HWD (inches)9.1 x 12.2 x 4

Dimensions 19 HWD (inches) 7.3 x 9.6 x 3.7
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Old 02 July 2004, 01:15   #26
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US electronics general

A point about US warranties - in general they're limited to the US and Canada, whereas the same product bought outside the US may have an international warranty. Sony laptops being a good example! If anyone's buying anything expecting an international warranty look into it carefully. Also some of the stuff that does have an international warranty is effectively impossible to repair outside the US as different parts are used, you may get it fixed but you'll have a long wait.
The difference in costs are amazing, sorry to single Icom out again Jon but that's what I've been looking at, I can get the M601 for £306. At this price I could almost buy another one if the first fails and still not be badly out of pocket! I'm not having a go at you personally as I know that you do help as much as you can, just mad at how the whole system's fixed against us. And in situations where the problem is european approval then I smell a rat when the M601 does effectively exactly the same at the end of the day as the M602.
I have the answer - let's leave Europe! Norway's got the right idea....

"I'm not lost, I'm exploring...."
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Old 02 July 2004, 07:09   #27
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Originally Posted by thorper
Hi Paul

The system is easy to use, and the screen is very readable. Andy has used the card reader software, but I havent go round to using it yet. I think its just a USB device that you plug in and then use the emulator with your charts and waypoints - should be pretty easy

Paul ,

I can confirm it is just a SD/MMC to USB adaptor - about £15 from PC world and I downloaded the Globalmap 3300 emulator free from the Lowrance website.

Seems to work ok - can certainly see the Navonics Gold Charts on my laptop -not done much else yet though.
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