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Old 03 September 2006, 19:58   #1
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MMSI Number

I sold my last boat and it was fitted with a DSC radio. The radio went with the boat and its got my MMSI programmed into it.

My new boat has no MMSI input yet. Do I go ahead and put my old MMSI in or should I try and get another one from the Licensing authority.

Anybody know ?
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Old 03 September 2006, 20:01   #2
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The MMSI is not personal it is issued to the boat, therfore just apply for a new licence if it is not already licenced and request a MMSI you'll be issued a callsign (Something like MGYG6) and MMSI for the boat.

Brian C
APS Marine Centre
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Old 03 September 2006, 20:07   #3
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Cheers I'll phone them during the week.
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Old 03 September 2006, 20:58   #4
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You can apply online here:
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Old 03 September 2006, 21:00   #5
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Thanks I'll phone them first though.
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Old 03 September 2006, 21:10   #6
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Not sure what you’re going to ask them. If you've sold your old boat the licensee you held is now null and void. The new owner has to apply from scratch just like you do with your new boat.

A new boat will get a new MMSI and Call Sign when first registered - the boat then keeps the MMSI/Call Sign until it’s scrapped.

When you apply for a license for a second hand boat you give them the details of the previous owner and they attempt to give you the MMSI/Call Sign that the boat was initially allocated (assuming it was ever registered)
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Old 04 September 2006, 17:17   #7
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Originally Posted by DJL
When you apply for a license for a second hand boat you give them the details of the previous owner and they attempt to give you the MMSI/Call Sign that the boat was initially allocated (assuming it was ever registered)

There is a way you can check if a boat has been previously licenced. The ITU/MARS database holds all the records world wide. You can either enter the owners name, the name of the vessel or it's call sign. UK registered vessels are shown as "G"

ITU/MARS database . Click on the "Particulars of Ships Stations link
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Old 05 September 2006, 19:41   #8
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Originally Posted by Biggles

Thanks I'll phone them first though.
Phoned today and got told to apply on line.

Went to apply online and after entering exactly the same details as I did for my previous registration they wanted £20.

Seeing as it was only renewed in June, I am seriously considering keeping the old MMSI.

And I couldn't see any way of cancelling my old MMSI details. IE home address and NOK. So if the other guy uses my old radio and doesn't re register it my wife will get the phone call.

Suppose I'll ring them again tomorrow. hope I get some one more switched on to speak to.
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Old 05 September 2006, 20:06   #9
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Originally Posted by Biggles
Phoned today and got told to apply on line.

Went to apply online and after entering exactly the same details as I did for my previous registration they wanted £20.

Seeing as it was only renewed in June, I am seriously considering keeping the old MMSI.

And I couldn't see any way of cancelling my old MMSI details. IE home address and NOK. So if the other guy uses my old radio and doesn't re register it my wife will get the phone call.

Suppose I'll ring them again tomorrow. hope I get some one more switched on to speak to.
Nick, you can't keep your old MMSI because it wasn't yours - it was in effect leased by you, for your Rib. If you put the same MMSI in your new radio, you get exactly the same problem as you just mentioned - either your wife will still get the new chaps phone calls, or his emergency contact will get yours!

The point is that you don't get a personal MMSI, you buy a ships radio license, for each ship. You have a new ship, so you need a new license!

Bear in mind that after a consultation period, there will be no charge for any licenses applied for online after the 1st October. It will still be £15 to apply by phone or by post.

You have 2 options:

1) Fork out for a new radio license now, at a cost of £20. Get your new rib an MMSI number, and Callsign (assuming it doesn't already have one? Ask Robin or Richard if they had it licensed, and if so under what name, as you will need to tell Ofcom that so they can transfer the license to you)

2) Don't buy a VHF license. Run the risk of a hefty fine from the MCA. Operate your set in effect illegally, but without the £20 cost. Don't put any mmsi in, as there isn't one registered to your boat - rendering your DSC functions useless, including in for distress use. Likelihood of you getting caught - hard to say.

I know which one I'd go for. Please don't put the MMSI you had in your Searider into your new boat - I've had the coastguard call me when Greyhounds stolen DSC set was sending out alerts, and believe me, you don't want the hassle from getting calls meant for the purchaser of your searider, nor do you want him to be getting the ones meant for you!
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Old 05 September 2006, 20:18   #10
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
I know which one I'd go for. Please don't put the MMSI you had in your Searider into your new boat - I've had the coastguard call me when Greyhounds stolen DSC set was sending out alerts, and believe me, you don't want the hassle from getting calls meant for the purchaser of your searider, nor do you want him to be getting the ones meant for you!
I agree. It just doesn't seem a very easy system to transfer. I guess if I only had a couple of months left on the licence I wouldn't feel to bad at forking out another £20.

I'm going to phone them tomorrow and see what they say.

They are re-issuing licences anyway so wouldn't be hard to issue a new MMSI.

I just can't help thinking the system needs a little bit of improvement. Whilst I'm going through all this rigmarole of getting a new MMSI either I or the owner of my old boat could have a problem at sea and all our details are wrong.

I'll keep you posted. I had a feeling this wasn't going to be easy.

Why doesn't every VHF radio come with its own MMSI and then we can inform Ofcom of our own details. Just a thought.
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Old 05 September 2006, 20:30   #11
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I think the problem is the fact that it's the boat that is licensed, and not the user - it seems to confuse a lot of people! That's why you can't get either the license or the MMSI transferred, simply because the validity of the license ended when your ownership of the boat did.

Basically, ships details can be transferred to new owners, but remaining license periods cannot, and new owners cannot keep old license details etc.

Assuming she has been licensed in the past, has Tifino ever had a DSC set fitted from before you bought her? If so, she will already have an MMSI (in all likelyhood this will still be attached to her even if the licenses are invalid) in which case what you want to do is change ownership details. If she hasn't had a DSC set but has had a license, you still need to change ownership details, and then request a new MMSI (this is quite easy and can be done by e-mailing them).

The problem with having a system where all radios come out of the box is that it would mean that if you ever bought a new radio, or had one stolen, you would have to update your details with ofcom, and they would have to change them on a system. That's admin, and admin costs money! Under the current system, when I eventually get my replacement DSC set for Greyhound, I simply enter in Greyhounds MMSI, fit the set, and job done. I don't create any more work for Ofcom, they don't create any for me!

I know that in some countries, you have to present your Operators License to the Authorities to get given an MMSI for your ship, and then present that card to the radio retailer, who will program in your MMSI for you, and then and only then will they give you the set. Again, it's all more work for people that expect paying for it, but it has its merits.
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Old 12 April 2007, 22:00   #12
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Changing MMSI - sorry guys I'm easily confused

I have a rib registered in the IoM but with a MMSI number issued by Bristol.

If I sell it to a guy without a radio licence, do I

a) just inform Bristol the boat has gone and the contact details are out of date.

b) find out all the buyers details and send them too?

Secondly, I am not planning an immediate new rib purchase - can I apply for a new MMSI if I haven't got a DSC set (I have a handheld).

Will not having an MMSI affect my radio licence (I have just received my free renewed one).

Any help greatly appreciated

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Old 16 April 2007, 15:05   #13
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You can't use an MMSI number with a handheld set and as far as I understand it, your operators licence is still current because it licences YOU to operated licenced equipment. The equimpent licence (ship's licence) is just for the equipment.

Now Jimbo's going to point out that I was asleep on Saturday, wasn't listening and just got all that wrong!
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Old 16 April 2007, 16:13   #14
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Originally Posted by whitingiom View Post
a) just inform Bristol the boat has gone and the contact details are out of date.
a) is the correct number. The MMSI applies to the boat, not you. On the old paid for licrnces there was a tear off section to return when you sold the boat, where you put the new owners details. I assume you do that on line now. A bit like selling a car and handing over the registration documents.

Originally Posted by whitingiom View Post
Secondly, I am not planning an immediate new rib purchase - can I apply for a new MMSI if I haven't got a DSC set (I have a handheld).
Again. The licence goes with the boat. You should hand it over to the new owner to re-register in his name.

Originally Posted by whitingiom View Post
Secondly, I am not planning an immediate new rib purchase - can I apply for a new MMSI if I haven't got a DSC set (I have a handheld).
Unless you have a DSC handheld (rare) a MMSI is no use untill you get a DSC radio.
You will need a portable licence for your hand held.

The confusion arises from the 2 bits of paper. You personnaly should have a SRC (Radio Opperators Licence) which says you are qualified to use a Marine VHF Radio etc.
A vessel has a Ships Radio Licence which states what radios (VHF, HF, Ham, EPIRB etc.) can be used on that vessel. It also states the vessels call sign (and MMSI if applicable).
Mark H
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Old 16 April 2007, 18:24   #15
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Aren't I lucky. OFCOM have just issued me with a new lifetime licence for an old boat which would have expired naturally in July, and thats what I assumed it would do. Trouble is I need a password to cancel the MMSI and seeing as I never applied for that licence online I haven't got a password.
Now I have two licences for the same name but two different boats. Guess this is where if I need to speak to the coastguard in an emergency things might get a little confusing if they only refer to the boats name.
To clarify things I now have my MMSI and ships callsign marked above the radio so I can confirm who I am.
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Old 16 April 2007, 18:34   #16
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Can you post the licence or a printed copy for your old boat back with a signed statement?
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Old 16 April 2007, 18:36   #17
Country: Other
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To tell you the truth its the one of those jobs I keep meaning to do but just haven't got round to it yet.

I'm going to work on it tomorrow and see if they can do something over the phone.
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