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Old 07 July 2015, 05:54   #1
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Navionics Navplanner

Many moons ago I bought the Navplanner software from Navionics. This enables you to do all your navigation stuff on your laptop & load it onto your plotter. Having just got the new boat rigged, I wanted to transfer all my old waypoints from the old boat to the new boat, so I fired up the ancient desktop & dug out the old software. Cut a long story short, Navionics have sold off the rights to the software to Navigation Planner who now offer upgrades to the latest version for a very reasonable £36. I bit the bullet & upgraded. The new version is worlds apart from the old Navionics version. For starters you only need to plug in your chart card once & the charts are copied to your computer. You can now browse the chart, plot waypoints, routes, see tides & basically have all the functionality of the chart on your laptop. The software will import, convert, save & export data from just about any plotter out there; once you suss out how to do it at the plotter end that is

I think its a cracking bit of software for a very reasonable price.
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Old 07 July 2015, 07:12   #2
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Agree. Been using it for a few years now.
Only two minor problems I see with it are:
It doesn't display the port entrance photographs, and
it will not display the Pilot Book
I understand from the developer that these will be fixed in future versions, but I am not holding my breath.

Upgrading is also sooo convoluted. When I tried recently I gave up the will to live and abandoned the attempt. Where, for example, is the version number of the software I am currently using?

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Old 07 July 2015, 09:45   #3
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The version that I have displays the photo overlay, not sure about the port photos though, I'm still playing. Just as an addendum to my first post, Navionics are still the distributors for the software.

.....sh1t happens.......
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Old 08 July 2015, 07:42   #4
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Can you explain what you mean by "photo overlay" please?
I am talking about the photographs, taken from the air, showing the entrance to various ports.

And Pilot Book?

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Old 08 July 2015, 13:46   #5
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The platinum+ chart has the option to overlay a photo layer onto the chart like Google Earth. This is stored on the chart card. You can switch this layer on & off on the plotter & the navplanner software. You can zoom in to see port details. When I get home I'll do you a screen shot.

.....sh1t happens.......
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Old 08 July 2015, 18:03   #6
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post
The platinum+ chart has the option to overlay a photo layer onto the chart like Google Earth. This is stored on the chart card. You can switch this layer on & off on the plotter & the navplanner software. You can zoom in to see port details. When I get home I'll do you a screen shot.

.....sh1t happens.......

Here you go Brian. The top screen shot is with the photo overlay on & the bottom is with it off. To switch on the overlay, right click on the chart & select chart properties, the options for the overlay are on the RHS.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Navplanner.pdf (347.6 KB, 97 views)
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Old 08 July 2015, 20:15   #7
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Now that is impressive 👍

Sent from my iPad using my finger
I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there.
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Old 09 July 2015, 07:30   #8
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I am slightly confused (not for the first time either!).
I cant get the satellite overlay screen. I tried all the options under right clicking with no result.
I must have a previous version of NavPlanner (where can I see my current version number for upgrade purposes??).
I presume the answer to my two points is "no" (air photos and pilot book).

Still b good screen shots-thanks for showing.

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Old 09 July 2015, 07:44   #9
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I haven't been able to bring the pilot book up yet. Try ringing Gavin at Yachting Software, I've found him very helpful. He did say that I wouldn't get all the Navionics chart features displayed on the PC version, the pilot book is probably one of them.

.....sh1t happens.......
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