03 August 2013, 22:40
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04 August 2013, 13:00
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe
He didn't say he's not doing the courses. He said even when he has the ticket he needs the kit to use...
Now some may say do the course and you'll learn the pro's and con's of different kit, others will say if you know what kit you have you'll make sure you understand its options when on the course (lets face it if you are on a fixed VHF you probably dont care about power settings 25W will be just fine. On HH 1W will save your battery...)
Well you should learn about using your 'power' responsibly. 25W not really needed to talk to your mate who is 100 yds away - but wipes out the channel for everyone in range.
Personally I didn't find the VHF course particularly insightful or fun. Its a day of my life I will never get back. I also didn't feel that the instructor did a great job of communicating some of the more advanced features of DSC like group calling and position polling which are potentially very useful - but not really in the RYA/OfComm syllabus so not what he wanted to teach. The exam is a joke - and whilst using 'real' radios is interesting most schools all use one brand (easier to teach) but in reality you learn less and can compare fewer features. If I were trying to teach people I would have them in separate rooms with the comms to communicate, get them to plot the positions reported etc. Then just when they were getting confident I'd turn out the lights, or do other things to introduce a new level of confusion.
As with all training you need to decide if you want the best learning or the cheapest course to get the piece of paper.
04 August 2013, 13:46
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Very interesting responses from everyone - I won't be hitting the sea for a long time and intend to just explore the internal waters/canal areas first to gain confidence in handling the boat.
As mentioned earlier, I think it best to have a VHF than to not and so will definitely be buying one ASAP, I'll explore the courses available and see if any appeal, but personally I prefer a good book to read about what I need to know, the advantage being that its always there for future reference
04 August 2013, 17:08
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Sergeant - not sure you realise but the point being that it's illegal to use the VHF without the licence. miccheck... suggests about getting a certificate or piece of paper as being the reason to take the PB2 course - the piece of 'paper' is irrelevant - everyone 'passes' the course. Although for the VHF course the paper is important as it becomes your licence to operate a VHF.
So the point of the PB2 is to do the course and soak up what it teaches you about safety, tides, currents, colregs, handling, LJ's, anchoring etc to make you a more aware and safer boater especially as it sounds from some of your posts that you are new to boats. Yes, it's a basic course and you can learn some of it from a 'mate' or whatever but it's a great start to your boating life and for me at least who as a youngster spent many a summer driving the old man's ski boat in a sheltered bay in the med without any UK boat driving the PB2 was a real useful eye opener.
Take it or leave it but there are enough clueless ****** out there who don't know a kill cord from a kipper.
04 August 2013, 17:39
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Originally Posted by Max...
Sergeant - not sure you realise but the point being that it's illegal to use the VHF without the licence.
Unless it's deemed an emergency situation? You can also listen all day long and learn how to and how not to do it.
04 August 2013, 17:52
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="PB2 course - the piece of 'paper' is irrelevant - everyone 'passes' the course.
Not strictly true, most reach the required standard but I have failed one person this year so far, they only got a level one certificate.
Chris Moody
Rib Tigga2 a Ribcraft 4.8 with a Honda BF50
04 August 2013, 18:36
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Is there anywhere near to Stockport, Cheshire where I can do the basic course?
I have a VHF radio but am reluctant/afraid to try and use it as I have not done the course.
04 August 2013, 18:56
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Originally Posted by lightning
Is there anywhere near to Stockport, Cheshire where I can do the basic course?
I have a VHF radio but am reluctant/afraid to try and use it as I have not done the course.
Safe Water Training in Newbrighton, Wirral, hold radio courses.
04 August 2013, 18:58
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I have and use this one:
Midland Atlantic XT BLK VHF Handheld Marine LCD Radio Kit for Boat Vessel Yacht | eBay
( In white because it looks cool )
Great for chatting to mates and doing radio checks.
I would like to do the vhf course but cant seem to find the time/location at a sensible price,
Talked to plenty of people/watched plenty of videos/read plenty of forums to know how to make a mayday call/ pan pan in a needing situation when out of range or signal for a mobile.
I DO intend on taking the course when its viable but for now atleast i have it incase of emergency and i dont hang around on ch16 causing a nuisance,
Also great for listening to weather reports.
04 August 2013, 19:24
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Originally Posted by Max...
Sergeant - not sure you realise but the point being that it's illegal to use the VHF without the licence. miccheck... suggests
While that is corect, who is going to prosecute you if you use one when you don't have a licence? Not in an emergency situaton, but just chatting to a mate?
The coastguard certainly won't, unless your making a nuisence....
04 August 2013, 19:35
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Ofcom can. Bear in mind it doesn't need you to making a prat but someone else who uses your marina / slipway / general sea area at the same times you do and you could get someone down asking for licences etc.
I suspect they'll offer you words of advice first.
But as lightening says there is an underlying 'fear' of using it when you aren't supposed to. Loose an engine, do you try and sort yourself, attract a passing boats attention without coming to the attention of the CG because you don't really want their men in blue jump suits asking you lots of questions about training and such when you get ashore. Only to have actually let a minor situation get worse...
04 August 2013, 20:08
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You don't have to have a VHF licence to use a VHF radio if it is an emergency, you can also use a VHF radio without a licence as long as you have someone with a VHF licence supervising you.
No one in there right mind would ever stop you taking a VHF in case of an emergency even if you didn't have a licence.
The VHF course is mainly to provide training on the use, law and dsc and the licence stops any tom, dick or harry buying a VHF and chatting to their mates causing all sorts of problems over the airwaves.
The VHF course and licence is not a given that you will get it all right all of the time, just listen on a few channels next time you are around the solent or any other busy area.
04 August 2013, 20:57
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Originally Posted by rossymtb
I have and use this one:
Midland Atlantic XT BLK VHF Handheld Marine LCD Radio Kit for Boat Vessel Yacht | eBay
( In white because it looks cool )
Great for chatting to mates and doing radio checks.
I would like to do the vhf course but cant seem to find the time/location at a sensible price,
Talked to plenty of people/watched plenty of videos/read plenty of forums to know how to make a mayday call/ pan pan in a needing situation when out of range or signal for a mobile.
I DO intend on taking the course when its viable but for now atleast i have it incase of emergency and i dont hang around on ch16 causing a nuisance,
Also great for listening to weather reports.
see you have your location as Nth Wales, have you tried Plas Menai, they run radio courses and PB2 etc
04 August 2013, 21:14
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Hi yeah had a look on there site very expensive at the minute. Hoping they have some deals on winter time for vhf.
04 August 2013, 21:56
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe
Ofcom can. Bear in mind it doesn't need you to making a prat but someone else who uses your marina / slipway / general sea area at the same times you do and you could get someone down asking for licences etc.
Ok they can, but do they? Like I say perhaps it's my location, but im not aware of anyone ever being at the local marina, which is pretty big (bangor) looking for VHF certificates....
Im actually wondeirng now if I shouldn't be using a radio when im out now, as I only hold a R - CSOC Certificate (Restricted Coast Station Operator Certificate)
Meh, I won't be doing a course anytime soon unles I need to for a job.
04 August 2013, 22:02
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Originally Posted by miccheck1516
Ok they can, but do they? Like I say perhaps it's my location, but im not aware of anyone ever being at the local marina, which is pretty big (bangor) looking for VHF certificates....
Im actually wondeirng now if I shouldn't be using a radio when im out now, as I only hold a R - CSOC Certificate (Restricted Coast Station Operator Certificate)
Meh, I won't be doing a course anytime soon unles I need to for a job.
I guess you've got some idea of the procedure then....
It's advisable though for a newbie to have enough knowledge not to pick up the handheld and repeatedly scream 'I'm sinking' til they submerge without releasing the PTT button.
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04 August 2013, 22:04
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Originally Posted by Chris Caton
Eeek - I need to increase my prices ! I am only £70 + £30 rya fee and includes lunch and refreshments !
I will sort it when the course becomes 2 days in Jan. 2014
SPRmarine / SPRtraining
RYA Training Courses & Safety Equipment Sales
04 August 2013, 22:26
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2 days! Jesus!
Press the button. Speak this message, release button, wait for reply.
Or Press red button blah blah...
What they gonna cover extra...?
But seriously if its going to 2 days people should get in now as prices will probably double! Unless there is somethign really exciting in the extra part of the course that people might miss out on...
05 August 2013, 04:27
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Originally Posted by SPR
Eeek - I need to increase my prices ! I am only £70 + £30 rya fee and includes lunch and refreshments !
I will sort it when the course becomes 2 days in Jan. 2014
hmmmmmmm .................... but it could just be at that at £70 you are busy and at £95 to 100 they aren't, I know which I'd rather be!
2 days, that's just taking the pi.. !! it seems obvious there are plenty out there with VHF now that won't pay for the course / cert, at 2 days I can't see that getting better anyday soon, and as already mentioned it's a while since I was last asked to show any paperwork, like never!
I'll be knocking on your door for a refresher if I need it
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